Sometimes it is hard to know what the best course of action really is. Which voice in your head or option in front of you is really the one to listen to or look towards?

The good news is that you already know the answer. Your past beliefs just aren’t wanting you to know the answer because they are trying to keep you safe. All you have to do is move deeper into yourself and connect with that inner knowing that has always known the answer. Easy right?

Here are some tips for helping discern what is really going:

1. Which option has more light?
If you are a visual person, imagine both options in front of you. Which one, in your mind’s eye, looks brighter? Looks clearer? Feels lighter? It’s a good bet that the lighter one is the better option.

2. Write it down and step to it.
Write down your two (or more options) on a piece of paper. If the choices involve steps to take, write each step out on a piece of paper until you have each individual step in a row from first to last. Then place each piece of paper (in order) in front of you in a line from first step to last step or if it is just one a step option, then just place that one step option in front of you. Then take each step that it takes to get to your final destination, your final decision option. Feel what it feels like at each step of that path to be there. Note this. Once you get to the end of one path, go back to where you started from (at the beginning with all of the options in front of you) and take the next path of steps to get to your end decision. Once you are all done, see which path felt more right.  This technique is also great for getting over anxiety or hestitation to move forwards in a path that you know you already want to take as well.

3. Ask your future self for guidance.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself 5 or 10 years in the future. The most ideal, happy, fulfilled you. And then ask him or her what she would do. Listen to that you. Ask him or her questions. Don’t try to answer for him or her, just listen and wait. The answer may come in words, visuals or feelings. If you are having a hard time visualizing, go for a run or do something exhausting to get your mind out of the way so you can actually feel, hear or see the answer.

4. Feel the feeling you want to feel.
Feel the feeling of empowerment. Say that to yourself: I am empowered. I know the right answer for me.
Say these words and feel them sink into your body and don’t stop until you feel and believe them all of the way at the back of your spine. Then from this feeling, ask your question. Bring option a or b in front of you visually, into this feeling of empowerment and knowing, and see how your being responds. There is your answer.

5. Sleep on it.
Sometimes I like to ask a tough question and just pray or ask that when I sleep, I come to the right answer… and that when I wake and ask the question again, the right answer will come to me instantly. So go to sleep with that question, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that the answer will come to you, and then upon waking, without thinking or even being fully awake, ask the question with knowing and emptiness. Then feel the answer come out of nowhere into your being. I love this one since it is so effortless. You already know the answer, you just have to get you out of the way so that you can hear, see or feel it.

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