Do you ever wonder why you can’t do something? Do you ever wonder if the reason is because there is something wrong with you? Or that you are not enough? What if there was a different reason?


Many know this, but we are experiencing a time of very high frequency shifts moving through our system, earth and ourselves. This vibration brings old patterns and stories to the surface to be healed. These stories are just that. Stories. They are the past ready to move through and be let go of. To do that though, we must let go of our identification with said stories. Accept them and love them for what they involved (in the past!) and had to go through. Then let them pass right through like a wave. If we resist this wave, however, the story holds true, and we stay fixed and identified with our past beliefs. Beliefs that oft-times do not work for us.


Sometimes in life, many things happen at once, and we wonder, why me? Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with me? But really, whatever is happening just an opportunity to clear out what has been stored inside. It is an opportunity to see the world from a deeper and deeper place of alignment within ourselves, so that the fire may rage, but then catalyze the sprouting of waiting seeds.

The deeper we go inside, the more we can sit in the eye of a storm and still see the blue sky and sun. We can see that what is happening around us isn’t really us, see what is really happening from a greater distance.

The second we identify with the story and the storm, however, we can get sucked into the storm, and thrown somewhere very different than where we were wanting go.


So some advice? Meditate. Find that space daily. Energy is very high right now and the world is becoming a seemingly crazier and crazier place. The more we are rooted within our bodies, the easier it is to stay rooted in the eye of the storm and to become those seeds that are sprouting. And breath. It is all just a story riding through us. Just energy. Relax into it and KNOW that you have this.

We believe what we perceive. We perceive what we believe. BELIEVE you are enough. BELIEVE you have this. 

Believe that you are fully capable, able and have everything you need within and without of you to make it through whatever story as an even more empowered person.


And if you need help, reach out! Everyone is experiencing this right now.NO ONE is exempt from this internal and external chaos that is happening right now. The more we connect and understand that we are not alone, the easier it is to stay in the eye of the storm and to bask in the sun… with friends and support.


Much Love!