This weekend I went through an incredible transformation while in Deborah Mills’s Limbic System Class. I had no idea what was in store for me or how this information and reset could so drastically alter my life. This being said, I would like to share some very relevant and important information about the Limbic System:

The Limbic System is the emotional body of the brain that forms the emotional memories and tone of a person as well as governs our sense of smell. This system is thought to store emotions from all our past lifetimes.

When it is less active:

  • we have a more positive state of mind
  • are easily able to bond with others
  • have balanced sleep
  • have rational thoughts
  • have clear problem solving skills
  • have compassion (versus empathy)
  • have a great sex drive
  • are able to see what is in front of us versus reacting to something we think we see and perceive that is based on the past.
  • have a good sense of smell

When it is more active:

  •  we have mood swings
  •  have PMS
  • have a lack of appetite or too much appetite
  • have irregular sleep patterns
  • are negative
  • have lack of motivation
  • have a low libido
  • have more aggression
  • are more reactive to situations as opposed to responsive to situations
  • have a decreased interest in life
  • have lower dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and neorotransmittions
  • have much higher empathy
  • have a compromised immune system
  • have a poor sense of smell

So when the Limbic System is out of whack, how we see the world is colored by what emotions are being triggered through the imbalance of the Limbic System. So when you wonder why you keep going through trigger patterns over and over again, even the ones you have worked on extensively, chances are your Limbic System is inflamed. As you think about what is going on in the world around us, with almost 50% of our culture on ant-depression/anti-anxiety pills, an ever-increasing amount of illness in all areas of the body, and lack of rational actions in our government and corporate systems, it seems pretty obvious that our culture has a very inflamed Limbic System. 

Fun Fact: An orgasm is considered by some as a mini-seizure of the limbic system!~

So what to do about this imbalance???

Balance this amazing system out! How?

  1. There is a very interesting method called the Wim Hoff Method that is proving to be very effective. In this method, you breathe deep into the Limbic System,  which then empowers the immune system to work correctly (the body isn’t on high alert all of the time and is therefore able to have respond only to actual threats (like viruses and bacteria) to the body).
  2. Soul Focused Healing Limbic System Balance (which is what I just received and learned how to do!) Here is what I received from doing this method:
  • My nervous system dropped (stopped being over-activated)
  • My non-stop thoughts cleared
  •  I felt myself come much more deeply into my body
  • My parasympathetic  nervous system balanced with my sympathetic nervous system (leaving me feeling rested, at ease, clear headed, and able to breath much more deeply)
  • My endocrine system balanced with my frontal lobes  which allows me to feel my emotions rationally and with ease
  • My limbic system balanced with my emotional and mental bodies so that emotions and thoughts weren’t stuck anywhere in my system. It was incredible!!

Personally, I found this information very important because I am very empathic and did not realize that my empathy (which often can be very imbalancing as I go into the world) is often an imbalance of my Limbic System. Considering how many people who are empathic (the ability to feel what another is feeling within yourself), but who are often imbalanced by this ability, this is a great protocol to help calm the nervous and immune systems, thereby calming digestion, a hard time breathing, feeling light-headed, and having a rapid heartbeat!

3. Cutting foods high in sugar, soy, gluten and even dairy. These foods often create inflammation in the body, which then triggers an emotional response in our body. Additionally, when there is inflammation in one area of the body (like digestion), guaranteed this inflammation affects the rest of our bodies as well (everything is truly connected, within and without!). For more information on this, check out or

4.  Exercise! Studies have shown how strongly exercise can decrease inflammation in our bodies.

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