Have you ever felt like your house’s energy was a little bit  heavy, doesn’t quite have the best flow or just seems … “off”?  

Clearing the energy of a house can be very simple, but it is good to know what you are working with that could be imbalancing it.

Here are just a few possible imbalancing factors:

  • Bar lines/grid lines/electric lines
  • Electric Boxes (these actually send off energy that pulses off and on, which can greatly affect sleep patterns and the overall energy of the house. These can also create health imbalances due to the negative frequencies that they emit)
  • Geothermic Radiation
  • Poor house energy flow
  • Mold/Fungus
  • Heavy energy released from people throughout the day and/or night
  • Entities
  • The House may have some emotional things to work out
  • The land you are on may have some physical/emotional imbalances

This blogpost, I will break down some easy physical fixes for correcting the house imbalances. Next week, more out there, FUN energetic tools (my favorite!) will be shared…

Here goes!

  1.  You have probably heard of Sage (found at your local Natural Foods and Products Store or at a Head Shop). Saging the house can be good. It clears lighter energy from the house, but in my opinion it doesn’t clear out the deeper, stickier energies as well.

    I prefer to do a deeper clean with a Peruvian wood called Palo Santo. It’s an interesting smell, but does the job and brings an earthy feel to the rooms. Dragon’s blood resin or Frankincense resin are also great to burn. Dragon’s blood smells good (in my opinion) and just sounds cool.  Frankincense can also be used in an air diffuser in the form of an essential (a preferred method for me, since I haven’t ever seemed to get burning resin down very well… the charcoal always burns funny for me). I suggest a higher quality of Frankincense either by Young Living or doTerra.

    Tip: Crack the windows. You want the heavier energy to be able to get out of the house, especially if you aren’t doing any extra energy moving help (see next newsletter for tips on this).

  2.  Do you have Tuning Forks? I like ringing the different notes in all corners of the house. The different, clean frequencies help lighten the air, just like music. Very therapeutic and healing for you and the house!

  3. Georesonators are great for helping clear the lines of the house. “These are a great solution for clearing and balancing the earth’s energy in yards, farms, parks and neighborhoods. Because toxic earth radiation can have a negative impact outside as well as inside, GeoResonators offer an important level of protection. They clear geopathic stress zones and, when planted in the four corners of an area, they immediately resonate with each other, infusing the treated area with a healing, life-supporting energy field.”

    You can even use them around plants to help them heal! 

    Go to safespaceprotection.com to learn more.

  4. Feng shui: – which literally translates to “wind and water” — is the ancient Chinese art of placement.  It  is used to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that support health, beckon wealth and invite happiness. I won’t go into this one, since it is pretty heard of nowadays. It is smart to look into the effects of energy movement in the house and where and how different energies interact with one another.
  5. Orgonite!  “Inspired by the research of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, orgonite is a energy healing device made from resin, metal and crystals, which converts negative or stagnant bioelectric energy into positive energy.  Orgonite also complements and improves the effectiveness of crystal healing. People use orgonite to purify the atmosphere, to counter-act the effects of EMF radiation, to help plants grow, and to aid in healing practices. Simply put, orgonite creates a positive, balanced environment through its energy healing properties.” https://orgoniseyourself.com

    I use Orgonite in my practice as well as at my home. There different sizes and subsequent ranges that these lovely pieces work at.

  6. Plants: Yep, they clear energy! Some better than others. Here is a good website for picking out your air and energy purifying plants:


Would you like help assessing what your house needs most? Contact me and we will figure out the best mode of action!

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