Have you ever experienced a feeling or energy in which you feel like an external energy is blocking you or affecting you? This could be energy from a co-worker, from a friend, from an ex-lover, etc.

Here are some things that you can do to see if you are indeed having a psychic attack and then how to clear that energy.

How to know you are being Psychically Attacked:

a.) If you are a muscle tester or do Access Consciousness you can ask:
Truth, Body and Being, am I being psychically attacked?

If your answer is a constriction of your energy, or a no from muscle testing, then there is your answer for no. The constriction basically feels like you are heavier, like your energy can’t go much bigger than yourself, or a tightness in your chest. If the energy lightens up, if you feel more expansive, or your muscle testing is a yes, then you are indeed being attacked in some manner.

b.) When you think of that person or energy that is potentially the culprit of the attack, where are they in your field? Do you feel them right up in your business, further out from you or way across town? If they are close to you and up in your business, there is a sign that they are influencing your field in some way.

c.) When you think of this energy or this blocker, what part of you tightens up? If some part tightens up, then you can ask your body and being if there is a chord there or if there is some form of mechanism or cellular memory that is allowing them in. You can ask this question just like the question in #1. Clearing these can be as simple as energetically cutting the chord with an energetic knife, or more intensive by clearing contracts with that energy. I suggest doing both of these no matter what. More on this below.

If you think you could be being Psychically Attacked, what do you do?

A. Water Jar Clearing:

Julie Hanson, a friend and colleague of mine, told me this method that she came up with and it is pretty phenomenal.


a. Fill a glass jar with water and leave it out for 24 hours in the place that is being attacked (home, office, space you are most often in) with the intention that you are capturing all of the frequencies that are in the space along with whatever energy that is attacking the space.
b. Cap the Jar after 24 hours.
c. Reset the energy of the jar by using the energy of intention. You can send the violet flame through the jar, put frankincense in it, or just set the intention that the energy of the jar is shifting to a higher vibration.
d. Resend the frequency that is in the jar back out to the “attacker.” This lets the energy know that it is not allowed to affect you or your space like it has been.
e. This water is the energetic imprint of your space and you and whatever is affecting those components. Since everything is holographic, you are setting up a homeopathic remedy that is not allowing the energy that is unwanted into your space as well as setting up a resonance out that is shifting the original energy.

B. Stones

Stones are very powerful. They hold a resonance and energy that is very grounding and vibrationally intentional. Here are a few stones that are beneficial for blocking energetic attacks (information here found on askingangels.com):

black-tourmaline-1609432__480 a.Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful protectors against the negative energy from others in both the Earth plane and the spirit plane.  It is said to reflect negative energy back to the sender. Also is said to deflect the energy and radiation from electrical equipment.



crystal-860832__480b. Amethyst is a stone of protection and can be worn to prevent psychic attacks and to protect the wearer from all types of harm. Keeping an amethyst cluster in a room such as the living room, will clear out negative or blocked energies.

c. Fire Agate offers a strong shield of protection and is excellent for dispelling fear, a stone that transmutes  energy. All types of agate are useful for protection.

d. Hematite is very protective and can help to draw negativity from the base chakra and transmute it, whilst preventing the wearer from absorbing the negativity projected from others. This stone is aligned with the base chakra and is also grounding.

There are many Stones you can utilize for assistance in this, but this list is a good start. If you are needing assistance in the moment as well, you can call on the energy of stone to come in and protect you as well.

C. Energetic Barriers

maritime-6475_1280There are many ways to setup energetic barriers since energy follows thought, but this a good technique shared by Massage Therapist and Shaman Giuseppe Piazza.

a. Set up reflective mirrors around you and/or the space around the space that is being attacked. Visualize in detail these mirrors as a tight, reflective barrier pointing inwards to your space or to inside of you.
b. Now set up another set up reflective mirrors point outwards on the other side of the mirrors that are pointed internally in around your or your space. These mirrors send energy back to senders automatically.
b. Set a golden energy or flame energy (again, the violet flame is good for this) in the center of you or your space that eats up all of the negative energy and that is magnetized in energy as its light is being reflected back and forth from the mirrors.

D. Find out How the Energy is Getting In

Since everything is a reflection of ourselves and is here for us to learn through, finding out why you and/or your space is resonating with an Energetic Attack is maybe the most important thing you can do to clear the attack. Here are some questions you can ask your Body and Being about this (via muscle testing or access consciousness or whatever method you use to get clear answers from your Higher Self):


a. In what way do I believe my body or space is open to this attack? What are my fears around being attacked?

For example:
I am scared that this attack will ruin my business. Why then could an external energy have that influence?

Your response could be, that without your business, you couldn’t have money to support yourself. So how are you not trusting in your safety and culpability to have something like this not affect you? What would it take to trust that nothing could affect you and hurt you?

b. Who would I have to be to have this not affect me or happen? The answer to this could be: I would be someone that is deeply connected to my community and those who protect me so that any external energy wouldn’t touch my deep connection and knowing that nothing can touch me… unless I let it.

c. How did my future self already get through this? Your future self has already gotten through this, learned the lesson from it and is having a good time learning something new. Let’s ask that you what it took to get through this.

d. What is right about this situation? What can I learn from this so that it doesn’t come at me as something negative, but just a learning opportunity? Reframing the question to something that is more open allows for an answer that can help you to arise and move the energy in a positive way.

E. Get Bigger than your Attack

earth-1388003_1280If you are bigger than your attack or attacker, it can not touch you. So energetically, you need to make yourself really big. Make yourself as big as the room you are in, then bigger so you are as big as a mountain, then bigger so that you are as big as Asheville or wherever you are at. Now see how much bigger you are than your attacker or the Attack. Squish the attacker or the attack. It is as small as an ant. Dissolve it, step on it, do whatever you want with it. It is inconsequential when you are that big. Stay that big, and nothing can touch you.


For specialized help, please feel free to give me a call.

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