Life is crazy these days, right? So much is going on that we tend to not have time for these feelings that are triggered by all of this craziness from come up. You know the ones, the ones where your stomach gets all knotted up, your breath is shallow, you feel anxiety, ungrounded and a feeling like you want to run but know that there is nowhere to run to?


Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, we all experience these feelings, but generally walk around with them tamped down in our bodies, only letting them come out when we have time for them. Have you noticed that that time for delving into our emotions is less and less available and there are more and more feelings that keep getting piled onto each other? It seems almost impossible to keep up and you wonder is it really this hard? Is it this hard for everyone else? It can’t be right?


Well, it’s definitely not just you. The energies of the world are picking up more and more, with all of these retrogrades, conjunctions, full moons, eclipses, downloads… you name it! It’s happening! And the energies keep getting more and more intense, with that full moon coming up or that new wave of energy coming in that is still riding us hard.


So how to deal with all of this?!


Try this perspective on for size and see how it feels. I’ve been working this diligently for the last few days, and it is just release after release happening, allowing me to just allow without judgment and fear that it will always be so incredibly intense.


You are the Universe. Every dimension and space is happening inside of you at all moments. You are in charge of this vast ecosystem. Every feeling is a story that is playing out for some member or part of the Universe. If you allow the story (feeling) to play out, then the beautiful stories of struggle and life get to play out fully, creating a diverse, lush Universe of waves all of the things that make life so juicy and dynamic. If you stop the flow of the feeling, block feeling it fully, then the story(feeling) gets stuck, and gets put on replay. Over and over and over and… never-ending. Until we decide to revisit the story and allow it to play out. Like a movie on the screen. But we have to feel the feeling of the story to fully release the characters from that story from their never-ending replay, so that they can move on with their life and leave the Groundhog’s day spin. And, not surprisingly, the stories that tend to spin over and over again are the ones that we judge as being “bad” or “wrong”.



With this perspective, feelings and stories stop being about us, and start being about how much feeling can we allow to just flow through in order to let this Universe that we are in charge of to keep flowing and expanding naturally. How much of the waves of feeling can we expand larger than so that they can just be a small wave that we get to ride?


The caveat is that those stored feelings and stories are actually old programming that are just wanting to be allowed to fully express themselves so that they can clear fully from our Being. This then allows us to connect more deeply with who we truly Be, because there isn’t any story or feeling in the way of us connecting deeply with that more authentic true energy.


So go out there, and let the Universe flow through you. Embrace the ride and see what happens!


Much Love!

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