

Cramps & PMS: A Simple Solution that Actually Works

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Cramps & PMS

A Simple "Solution" that ACTUALLY Works

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had struggles with cramping on and off your whole life. Sometimes they are mild, and sometimes they put you down for a good day or two. You’ve tried everything and exhausted the following list and then some:


  • Cut alcohol, sugar, caffeine, gluten, bread, and soy from your diet
  • Tried every herb under the sun including: wild yam, st. johns wort, etc.
  • Tried supplements like B100 Complex, increasing electrolytes especially magnesium, iodine, etc.
  • Done a deep dive into acupuncture
  • Delved into your past and worked on any sexual issues/trauma that may be sleeping there
  • Delved into releasing any past trauma around abortion, miscarriages, or losing a child
  • Tried balancing your hormones
  • Tried grounding practices to open the Kundalini and ground the nervous system
  • Taken supplements like zeolite to clear heavy metals, antibiotics and birth control out of the system
  • Gone off birth control and started using neem as a natural birth control
  • Worked on rebalancing the gut and cleansing the liver

The list continues ad naseum.

I had exhausted every form of cramp and PMS relief you could imagine,  been trying to figure this issue out for literally 20 years, but nothing worked long term. Until…

After working with my teacher via the Open Heart Method, I realized I had never sat with cramps and asked my physical body at the sacral chakra level, what she was sooo incredibly pissed and upset about. And you know what my physical body said?


She was so upset about not being a Mother.


Everything just clicked into focus.

Cramps come in rhythms like the birthing process. Deep breathing is the only thing you can do through the intense cramps. The end of the menstrual cycle is literally the process of letting go of potential life (egg). I had predominantly operated off of the understanding that I didn’t want kids in life, or that when I found the right partner in life, I would consider it then.

But I had never felt how my body feels about that process. How controlled my physical body felt by the constant withholding of something it so desires to be able to do: CREATE. To have deep family. To have deep connection with co-creation. And how that withholding, over time, builds up into some serious feelings of SELF-BETRAYAL, SUPPRESSION, FEELING OUT OF CONTROL, FEELING CONTROLLED BY AN EXTERNAL FORCE,  FEELING VOICE-LESS, FEELING UNLOVED AND LISTENED TO…


The level of intense pain this constant repression had on my physical body was so intense. The intensity would start a little after ovulation when my body would realize there was yet again another process of letting go of a potential unborn child. This level of pain, when felt by my other deep feelings of desiring a happy family (I didn’t grow up with the healthiest or happiest example of family) and yet again not being able to create one myself, coupled with my connection to past lifetimes and ancestors who had complications with anything (and everything) involving motherhood, was just the formula for the most intense cramps and PMS you could imagine. No amount of hormonal balancing, supplement taking, diet restrictions could compete with this intensity. I had gotten to the point of thinking my deep sexual/childhood trauma had just won out and messed me up long term so that anything to do with my reproductive system was just going to be in pain. I didn’t comprehend that my physical body had a deep fundamental, simple, timeless need that all bodies have: to create. To be Mother. To connect in all ways with what is Mother.


So the solution?


I deeply sat in my heart and entire body, with the feeling of Mother. The whole spectrum of what Mother means was brought to the forefront in my heart:


  • Being a Mother
  • Being a horrible Mother
  • Never having a good Mother so not knowing how to be a good Mother
  • Getting to be a Mother then hating it
  • Getting to be a Mother then losing myself
  • Being a Mother then completely changing who I am
  • The fear of never being a Mother
  • The feeling of having a child
  • The feeling of never getting to have a child
  • The feeling of losing a child
  • The fear of having and then losing a child
  • The feeling of having a happy family
  • The feeling of never having a happy family
  • The feeling of having and then losing a happy family

I just felt it all. The essence of these feelings connects into every human being throughout time because we are all creators. Physical creators of life.  Those feelings have so many expressions and meanings but at their fundamental core,  they are one deep feeling. Being able to feel all of that without getting sucked into it, just showing up in feeling and presence, finally released this deep feeling of not being HEARD, RECOGNIZED, ACKNOWLEDGED, UNDERSTOOD, and ultimately LOVED that my body was carrying for sooo long.

Since that time, I have had no cramps and very little PMS. When I do have PMS, I recognize that I am not letting myself feel the awe-inspiring feeling of what Mother feels like on all levels. I am not connecting to the Mother (Mother Earth) and repressing some form of Mother in my life. So I just go to my heart and give myself the full allowance to feel everything that Mother is and wants to share with me. Because Mother,  or Father if you are a man, or Creator to encompass it all, is a deep word and feeling.


Emotions are Nutrients

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Emotions are essential nutrients. Just like water or minerals, our body needs certain emotional nutrients to thrive. When these nutrients are lacking, imbalance in our system starts to occur. Our body functions just like nature. For instance, when nature doesn’t receive water when it needs it, a slight imbalance occurs. In response, nature uses its reserve water to sustain itself. Over time though, if there is no water, reserves run dry, and drought occurs, leading to erosion, plant death, and ecosystem deterioration. Similarly, if essential emotions aren’t present for long periods of time in our body, chronic illness, depression, anxiety, etc. occurs as our system starts to deteriorate as well. 


Gay Hendricks proposed that genius is a nutrient in his book The Big Leap.  He stated that genius is not present in our life, we start to become unwell. As I’ve expounded on this idea and morphed it into all emotions are nutrients, I’ve had a major shift in life. It’s been a missing piece to my constant internal question: How can I be more present and in total love of life on a consistent basis?


From this perspective, so much of my reaction (as opposed to response) to life has been because certain essential emotional nutrients are not consistently and DEEPLY present (embodied on all levels). When they are present, I feel invincible, full of life, and deeply in the flow. When they are not, I feel unstable, unsure, reactive and not my best self. 


I would love to share my train of thought with this concept in the hope that it might trigger a similar sense of vitality, knowing, and simplicity to life that I have gained through playing with this idea. To do that, here are some big questions I have asked myself and some simple explanation for some of the questions. 


Here we go!


  1. What are the 3-5 main feelings/emotions I feel on a daily basis?
  2. How does each of these emotional nutrients impact my life? Do they help me thrive, keep me even keeled, sustain me, drain me, etc.?


Once I asked myself these two questions, I then looked at the next 3 questions:

  1. What 3 emotions were most constant/accepted in my life growing up?  How often do I feel these 3 emotions on a daily basis? How much do I enjoy these three emotions?
  2. What 3 emotions were most lacking or unaccepted in my life growing up? How often do I feel these 3 emotions on a daily basis? How much do I enjoy these three emotions?
  3. What 3 emotions do I wish had been really present growing up?How often do I feel these 3 emotions on a daily basis? How much do I enjoy these three emotions?


These three questions helped me understand how I am constantly (STILL!) living out the programming of my past. Like many people, anger, perseverance (pushing through things/getting things done) and even keeled emotions were accepted (I like to call this numbness). Vulnerability, curiosity, and exuberance for life (adventure/deep presence)  were lacking. I wish my life had had much more deep connection, passion, and play. No surprise, if passion, deep connection and play are missing in my life, I then tend to get angry, push to get things done, and lock down on my emotions. If they are present, I tend to be more vulnerable, curious, and exuberant about life. I am therefore always in search of and chasing after (a reaction state) play, passion and deep connection because these 3 emotions are not in deep reserve inside my body. 


Next questions:  


  1. If I  were stuck on a desert island, what three essential emotions could I easily live and thrive on for the rest of my life?
  2. How much are these essential nutrients present in my life? 10% of your day, 50%, etc…
  3. What activities or experiences connect me to these essential emotions?
  4. What movements embody these essential emotions? For instance, play actions are all over the place for me, reaching, moving my feet in odd patterns, dancing and twisting. It’s total exploration in my body with no destination in mind.
  5. What percentage of my day has these movements that embody my essential emotional nutrients?


To wander further done this rabbit hole, I then ask you:


  1. How have I been complicit in creating the environment that facilitates the emotional nutrients that I claim to not want? Or another way of asking this is what benefits do I receive from staying in an environment that brings out unwanted emotional nutrients? Or what benefits do I  gain from creating emotional nutrients that don’t support my vitality?


I love this question because when I asked it,  it really got me to see how I am constantly falling back into my programmed emotions of anger, getting things done and topical feelings when something is not the way I want it. This reaction then keeps me plugged into a vicious cycle of feelings and emotions creating my reality…. A reality that mirrors the same emotions that were most accepted and present in my youth. I’ve been complicit in creating that environment because it is what is deeply known by me. I crave the other emotions of passion, play and deep connection, but because those emotions are missing on a deep level,  I keep reverting back to the emotions I have a deep reserve of from my youth (anger, perseverance, and topical feelings). 


So how do we shift this? How do we be with our deep reserve of emotional nutrients that don’t quite sustain us while being with the ones that do? Another way of saying this is how do we be with the reality that is in the physical and based off of some old programming while being present with the new reality that has expansion and amazingness (the emotional nutrients that we so crave) that is not yet physical?




Start to focus on the main essential nutrients that you so crave deep in your body. Give those emotions 100% of your awareness. Get to know these emotions like they are new family members. Feel their structure, their constitution, their flow pattern, their vibration, their rhythm. Sink that feeling deep inside your body. Feel your blood with that emotional nutrient;  feel your bones with that emotional nutrient; feel your breath with that emotional nutrient. Anchor it in your body so that it becomes a staple structure and nutrient from the inside out. Once it is deeply there, I guarantee you will start to feel more excited about your day, you will feel more rested, in your flow and joyful. You will feel like you can take on anything because all of your vital emotional nutrients are there to support, stabilize and help you thrive in any situation!

What is the POINT?

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I feel like my whole life I’ve been searching for clarity for things to just  FINALLY make sense. So over the last 10 years I’ve dedicated myself to understanding how this reality works. How energy (the fundamental building block of everything)  works, how the internal world creates the external world, how light and dark create contrast and form. I always thought that once I mastered this reality (to some level) that ever-promised, yet elusive constant happiness would burst out into my everyday world. It would be like that rainbow’s pot of gold would actually be there and reality would finally make sense.  And don’t get me wrong, there have been times when I feel like I did find that pot of gold… I sat in it, dove in, splashed around, had the best time.

BUT, it has always elusively disappeared with the play out of experience and time. What takes its place is a VERY familiar feeling, one of deep confusion, internal tightness and a searching for deeper meaning and purpose. I catch myself feeling like this (this lifetime, these interactions, these emotions, these interactions, these stories) has all happened before -like dejavu is a constant-  none of this is really even happening, and the sense of truly being stuck in a matrix. And I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. It’s just that the feeling is very loud to me. It’s like having the proverbial elephant in the room just staring at me, especially when I wake up. It’s eyes are telling me that there’s something very different going on then what I’m perceiving. My discomfort with all of this  urges me deeper in my body with the seemingly endless quest to discover the truth.

The result of this internal speculation? An endless hamster wheel of cause and effect, discovering the never-ending playoff of a fractalized, polarizing reality. This feeling of a never-ending hamster wheel tends to freeze a part of me in place, immobilizing that part with a sense of terror that it will never all add up. That this hamster wheel truly is all that there is.

LUCKILY on this path of what I like to call self mastery and self-discovery, a greater part of me knows that there’s more to that hamster wheel then what it seems. That hamster wheel is a representation of a part of me feeling like I don’t belong here. That this reality is built upon a system of programming that I did not, do not, and will not choose to be a part of. It’s a feeling of stuckness that is the direct result of three separate internal parts. These three parts (I believe) are the core of every stuck feeling I’ve ever had. Let me introduce you to them.

Part 1 is the proverbial Warrior. The Warrior “knows” with all its heart that what is going on is not okay and the only way to change this is to fight. To fix. To change what is. The Warrior can come in many forms, but at its core, the need to change what is going on is present along with an inherent sense of what right and wrong is.

Part 2 is the Runner. This part doesn’t even hesitate. It knows that whatever is going on, whatever feeling is there, is just not okay, and the only rational option is to leave. To check out. To wait until things are safe and then maayyyybbbeee consider coming back.

Part 3 is the Oscillator. If Part 1 and 2 had the colors black and white, Part 3 would have the color gray. Part 3 oscillates between Part 1 and 2, trying to decide which one is right, what to do. It is the strategizer, the thinker. It basically moves  on the whole spectrum between running away and fighting the situation, never quite settling into Part 1 or Part 2’s perspective.

Fundamentally these 3 Parts together represent this reality and it’s play out. This reality, or polarity (the yin and yang, positive and negative, light and dark, etc.) is always a playout of these 3 parts in some way. Each Part represents our separation from our True Self (Your Higher Self, Your Soul, Source Energy, Universal Energy, God, whatever words best fit your perspective on life). When we are separate from our True Self, we step out of our knowing, out of trust, out of flow, out of internal deep stillness, and into polarity, the world of lack, chasing, running, the playout of light and dark. As these 3 Parts create friction and movement between each other, so too does our playout of friction and reaction happen.

So what do I do when I realize that reality is just a playout of these 3 basic Parts? A lot times I end up blaming myself for such blind reaction to something so simple. Then I realize blaming and anger is just my Warrior Part acting out to this information. Reacting to the situation just tightens the webbing of this reality and my resonance with it even more tightly. No bueno. Then I move to the feelings of overwhelm, confusion and just wanting to distract myself in some way from all of these intense feelings and findings.  Yep, you guessed it, that’s the Runner Part coming in on the coat tales of the Warrior Part. Then I try to figure out all the sides of how these 2 have been ruling my life… which is the Oscillator, the Thinker, trying to make sense of everything. Which, as I know, whatever I focus on, I create, so the Oscillator is just actually keeping me in this state of confusion and hamster wheel reality…

So what do I do? Nothing. I become still. Obviously engaging with these Parts is what energizes their intense emotions. I AM ultimately the creator, and whatever I am focusing on is going to become more and more alive. Each part is always going to be a Part of me, but do I really want their playouts running my life? The answer for me is no. And the only way I have found to create from me, PART 0, Part ALL, is to be with each 3 parts in total presence, but not focus on them. I imagine myself having had this playout with these 3 parts for an eternity and then I ask myself what would I do with these parts who so resiliently are themselves always? I would accept them finally and just focus on me. Let them be them and just be me while with them. Because they are a part of me. Just like the playout of reality is. Reality being the mirror of the internal playouts externalized. It will always be there, playing out the way it does between these 3 basic parts. BUT I will always be at its center (Part 0) and if I stay there with all of them in total acceptance, I get to be in MAGNETIC energy, which allows me to be the CREATOR of my reality, not the reactor.

On a practical level, it is still  infuriatingly hard to find that place of acceptance (Part 0) which results in inner freedom. The true struggle is wishing that even the process of being with those three parts and as a result, this reality, didn’t have the set of rules or play outs to begin with.  This perspective just ends up being a tangent of the mind, resisting what is by trying to figure out a way around it. So essentially another nugget of realization from this year, is that the engagement of the mind is a form of resistance and is therefore also an engagement with perpetuating this type of reality. I find that beyond infuriating. But I only really find that infuriating because what is being asked of me in EVERY situation is to let go and surrender. To drop everything and be deeply still inside. The level of self-discipline that is asked for therefore is almost incomprehensible because the deeper I go with that stillness the more I’m presented with almost seemingly more intense ways in which I am struggling in this reality. A never ending rabbit hole and hamster wheel!


A Different Perspective on 5G and How it Accesses our Body

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A Different Perspective on 5G and How It Accesses Our Body

Part 1: What is 5G?

Let’s start our story with 5G and it’s physical definition. 5G is a low-level wireless radio frequency that is designed to connect everyone and everything together including machines, objects and devices through the air interface. According to, most of the radio-wave highways have been used up as technology has increased its cellular traffic, so new higher frequencies of millimeter waves have been opened up to compensate for this traffic. These new lanes can be absorbed by foliage, nature and buildings, so require much more closely spaced base stations to compensate for this absorption.

Though 5G is touted to be safe by wireless companies, thousands of studies have linked 5G’s (as well as 4G, 3G and 2G) low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to things like:

  • DNA and RNA strand breaks
  • Oxidative damage
  • Disruption of cell metabolism
  • Increased blood brain barrier permeability
  • Melatonin reduction
  • Disruption to brain glucose metabolism
  • Generation of stress proteins


It is no surprise that with these highly potential, detrimental side effects, that many people are scared not only themselves, but also for Mother Earth. On an energetic level, 5G’s frequency personifies the energy of illness, separation and fear. Each of these energies have a quality of synthetic otherness about them, as does 5G energy. When you take time to feel each frequency to the depth of what it truly is while in a space of curiosity and neutrality, there’s a feeling of something lacking in each energy. These frenetic, disturbed energies feel distorted and as such can create havoc within other energy that they touch. Over time, these energies distort the natural flow of our internal ecosystem, creating a space of physical imbalance and even death.


Part 2: So 5G sucks… Got it. Now what???!!


Luckily, fear, illness and separation are internal manifestations that when dealt with head-on in a space of neutrality and compassion, they can fully be transformed into harmonic frequencies. At their core, fear, illness and separation are energies that we in some way give our power and energy away to. Unknowingly we give them power to determine how we handle our lives and ultimately how well our physical bodies manage their stress. As we know, when our bodies get overwhelmed by imbalancing energy, overtime, our immune systems don’t know how to manage the stress well and we start to get sick. The exciting part of this imbalancing pattern is that when we acknowledge and find the source of the ways in which we resonate with these stress imbalances, we can refine our patterns and liberate ourselves from fear’s distorted patterns.


 5G is NO DIFFERENT than working with fear. It is just a perceived larger invasive force than we believe we have ever faced before. When we clear the energetic blueprint or operating system that says that our body is susceptible to that 5G external energy, we will liberate ourselves from its effects.


Part 3: The descent down the rabbit hole


As we’ve seen with the COVID-19 virus and global shutdown, our energies are now so linked as a species that we are all very much tapped into the human collectives’ experience and energy. Isn’t it interesting that 5G’s whole intention and definition is to connect all platforms of technology (and therefore people) through the air, mirroring our current global COVID-19 pandemic connection? And isn’t even more interesting as we are witnessing these times in quarantine, that we are more deeply noticing how our busy, distracted and materialistic lives have started to mirror 5G’s energy? Much of the human collective is finally seeing how are hurried nature has had such a strong impact on our planet, distracting us from feeling how much Mother Earth is impacted by our actions and energy.


From a much broader perspective, 5G energy actually represents our connection to the illusion of a 3D life and our 3D limitations. As we’ve all been told at some point, we are  truly in NO WAY limited. We limit ourselves by giving away our powers and belief systems to the external. When looking at how we interface with 5G, this concept holds deeply true. Let’s dig deeper and see how…


Part 4: Uncovering how we give our power away to 5G


Just like an individual overcomes an internal chronic illness through understanding that shifting belief systems and ways of being can drastically clear any imbalance, so too does this concept apply to 5G. We must uncover how we believe it has power over us and shift those belief systems from within.


So how do we find these belief systems that open us up to resonating with this external 5G energy? How do we keep that awareness and shift  the internal as we are constantly exposed by the external distractions that represent this type of energy?

Just like we are learning with this COVID experience that we are being called to ground more and look inside more, it is no coincidence that 5G energy is also becoming strongly physical at the same time. Just like poison ivy’s antidote (the mighty jewel weed) grows right by poison ivy herself, so too does does our ability to neutralize this 5G energy reside right by its very emergence. Remember, we are NEVER given anything too big to handle.As our energy gets bigger so too does the external seeming quality of attack… What is really occuring though is that 5G energy is showing us how much we give our power away and how much we don’t believe we have the ability to shift something so big. Contrary to common belief though, this shift doesn’t have to do with an external modification, rather an internal awareness of what our reality really is.


Let’s go WAYYY deeper…


5G exists on a platform that is very old. It comes from a space of deep separation from the physical and Mother Earth in which it is believed that an external dominating energy can have more power over its surroundings. If we are in any way aligned with this belief system, then so too will our susceptibility to this energy be. Since this story goes way back to the beginning of our species, so too does our limiting belief system of powerlessness.


Part 5: Enter stage left another old player in the game– Miasms!


Miasms are classified as inherited predispositions towards mental or physical ailments. In homeopathy, miasms are considered to be the gateways for all illness to enter into our bodies. When addressed appropriately, miasms can be cleared from a person’s body, thereby clearing the root of a person’s chronic illness, and then subsequently the illness itself. Personally, I’ve always seen miasms as energetic blueprints in the field that are just like physical genetic codes. When they are turned on or are present, they can bring in certain manifestations into the body quite easily if we align with them. For example, the miasm cancerinum is a precursor to cancer. A person is much more likely to have cancer if cancerinum has been passed down through his or her ancestors and lineage, if the person is leading a lifestyle that is an alignment with a lower immune system, and if the person has any kind of hidden or conscious fears around cancer. Miasms are energetic blueprints that represent these pathways.


Part 6: Miasms + Quantum Mechanics


Now let’s take a bit of a step back from the understanding of miasms and look at the concept that all time and space is now. In quantum mechanics (as well as spirituality) we look at our bodies as being holographic images that are multi-dimensional. We are connected to everything whether we realize it or not, running all realities in some form through our field. If we hold this to be true, then any kind of old patterning that can be passed from generation to generation will be more apt to be in our field in some space and time unless it has been fully cleared to zero point reality. Additionally if we look at all time and space as now, then the energy imprint of what 5G is has always been there in some form.  As our energy has become larger and more conscious, we have started to bring into our awareness (and thus our reality) that these realities do exist, thereby connecting with SEEMINGLY larger and larger energy.  


Part 7: Let’s connect this crazy rabbit trail…


Miasms are believed to also have been around since the beginning of our species. They are believed to have evolved and separated into other versions of themselves over time, including but not limited to miasms like autoxcinum, psorinum, syphillinum, and tuberculinum. Isn’t it interesting that both fear and miasms are believed to have an origin point that connects on the same time spectrum and that both energies predispose us to mental and physical imbalances?


What if miasms are energetic openings that resonate with 5G? What if to clear 5G’s effect on us, we just have to clear miams (energetic blueprints that resonate with distortion aka fear) and their source of impression within ourselves?


Cool story you say. But how do we do this, especially with the knowing that miasms can come back into our field pretty easily?


Just like the athlete who wants to compete doesn’t just exercise, but also makes sure to eat healthy food, get quality sleep, etc., so too does this concept need to be addressed consistently with presence, awareness and multiple levels to ensure success.


It’s “Simple Really: Get to know the true essence of 5G and miasms and then neutralize their energy


We have already covered this. Be aware of and FEEL where in the whole expanse of us (ancestors, lineage, lifetimes, human collective) is there a concept of fear of an external, dominating, UNSEEN force. This can be done by inviting this energy up in a curious neutral way in which the depth of its energy is felt but not attached to. Doing this, while fully in your body, will start to neutralize the concepts that have been linked to this energy for sooo long. When we are truly aware of our internal energy’s inherent vibration and how, when focusing on our true energy, we become SO MUCH more potent, we can feel how any external energy starts to become neutralized around us during this process. This is actually how the EMF Shield works that neutralizes 5G energy. It throws a net up of its own energy and as 5G energy comes in contact with it, the device neutralizes 5G’s frequency. If we can create a machine like that we can be like that!  And then some!!

There is no being subject to an external force unless we allow it. Our homework is to look internally where we, our ancestors and lineage, and our collective consciousness as a whole have internally been open to this level of separation. As many people who work with the collective energy know, it is important to never attach to it but always be in a space of compassion and understanding with it. If we are in any way attached to our surroundings either in judgment or fear,  then we are actually giving power to it and opening ourselves to that energy. Remember, what we resist, persists. So we must go deeper within,  address our belief that there is even an external dominating force, and stay in that energy of compassion and light. The result of this will not only heal ourselves but ripple out to everything that we connect to.


So take the time to be VERY PRESENT with each miasm (especially Autoxcinum) following its course through the trajectory of our being, and invite our presence to shift its very essence. We can easily shift a miasm’s code from that of illness to that of ideal health through presence and intention. This then clears the openings or old beliefs of dis-ease, clearing resonance with similar old fear energy. It’s all just energy and belief systems that create our reality. Understanding this opens up a whole new world within that not only transforms our lives but those of countless others. 

COVID-19: A Mirror of Our Internal World

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Many of you have probably heard that what happens externally is a direct reflection on what is happening internally. This easily makes sense in simple situations where we can see when we are calm and unattached to outcome internally, externally things seem to have a more ideal outcome. However, blow this concept up to a larger COVID-19 pandemic scale and this concept starts to seem like it’s full of holes. How on earth could us being calm internally have any desired effect on a virus that has spread across the whole world in a matter of months?

How is our energy in any way capable of shifting something that has such a strong energetic wave to it? And if the external is a reflection of the internal, what inside ourselves has helped to create this external situation of fear, death, poverty, social distancing, etc.?    I’ve been asking the same questions for many days now and  have sat with other intuitives on this concept. It has become very clear that I was previously looking at this COVID-19 situation too much from the external and not enough from the internal. I had to break the questions down into simple, personal pieces so I could understand the whole more clearly… 

To begin, let’s start with our body…. 

Each area of our body is broken up into planes of realities that have their own spoken language, set of belief systems, and resulting functionality. For instance, the brain/mind has the whole mental plane (which we are all very in touch with) where thoughts, ideas, and action oriented controls are set into place.  When things are going well, the mind may have a few thoughts rumbling around, but it still feels airy, clear and light and functions with ease.  The more things we have to do and hold in that plane (which often happens when we are more engaged with the internet, pursuing perfection/control or not breathing), the more this plane starts to become more erratic, heavy, manic and/or foggy. Our functions aren’t as fluid and burnout of some sort beckons at the edges of our reality. Likewise, the root system (our kidneys, adrenals and bladder) also has its own plane of existence. It is in charge of discerning what we absorb and get rid of before it leaves our system as well as how we respond to internal/external stress. It also happens to be our fear center that is linked to our inner child. Essentially, it holds our deep programmed fears.  When the root center is clear, it is able to receive information and discern it easily,  creating a calm fluid energy as it does so. When the process is imbalanced,  the energy will become more tense, tight and turbulent, leading to low energy, a tight stomach, burnout, anxiety, light-headedness… you get the idea.  

When one or both of these planes becomes imbalanced, fluid communication and information processing starts to breakdown. As this happens, both areas then have a tougher time processing and absorbing both nutrients and information. As the root system tries to communicate to the mind, it’s  cloudy information has to first pass upwards through the stomach, chest and neck, where it sends out its feeling/vibration as well as picks up other feeling/vibration that is already there. Naturally, if the root system doesn’t have a clear message to begin with, any excess  information will just add to cloudy information. Once the information finally reaches the brain/mind, how then is the brain/mind supposed to hear a clear message when it itself is cloudy?

So what is the result of discordant planes of reality communicating within the body?

 Anxiety, confusion, feeling off, the inability to understand what is going on, not knowing what to absorb and what to let go, feeling unsafe and unsure of oneself. These feelings of discordance all lead to fear. When we are unable to understand what is going on inside and make easy sense of it, we start to distrust our bodies and seek understanding elsewhere — outside of the body.  The more we separate from our bodies, the less we feel. The catch here is that feeling is linked to intuition. Intuition comes from within our bodies. We have deep intuition when each plane (mind, heart, gut, etc.)  of our internal realities has a congruent feeling (or vibration).  When all planes are in alignment and resonate with the same vibration, we feel no internal resistance so the vibration holds true.  Just like a pure note struck on a guitar, when the string is in perfect alignment, the note sings true. No resistance speaks to an internal truth. If we can’t feel internal truths, how are we supposed to understand external truths? And if we don’t understand internal and external truths, then how are we supposed to not live in fear?

Right now, we are externally experiencing a breakdown of communication within our body, which is directly being mirrored in our external world.

Many of us know how much we have been disrespecting and dishonoring Mother Earth. The same can be said of her creation: our bodies. Just like a mother who is so finely in-tune with her baby, so too is Mother Earth with us. However, as the child grows up and leaves the house, that communication between mother and child (the child which is JUST LIKE our inner child root system mentioned above)  can become limited or distorted. We have seemingly left our mother’s house, not realizing that EVERYTHING around us is Mother’s house.  The communication between our bodies and Mother Earth have become limited, cloudy and discordant, just like the communication  between our root system (inner child) and our mind.  And since we are so deeply connected to Mother (whether we realize it or not), she too is feeling this imbalance. Now imagine that all of us are feeling the same discordant energy. What then is the result?

An imbalanced, fearful system that has discordant energy… energy like global warming, tornadoes, severe drought… 

So what can we do to help bring the world around us into balance?

We have to go deeper in our bodies. The connection between Mother and child  is found deep within the body. It is a quiet pulse that has not left our cellular memory. It is a vibration that is beyond the external noise that can only be found when all external noise is not focused on. It’s that space inside that mirrors the tranquility of a beautiful paradise beach or a clear pool of water in the woods on a sunny day. It’s where everything is in flow and interconnected, a thriving ecosystem that is ever-changing and in-tune with the whole. As we dive deeper in our body, past the outside vibrations of noise that we have become so accustomed to, we start to hear and FEEL that pulse that links us to the natural internal flows that have always been there. We start to discern what is noise and what is our deeper reality. We start to remember our inherent vibration, awakening deeper perceptions and truths found within our body. We remember through feeling. Feeling is the language that links all separate parts together. It is like music, the universal language. Its beat, its rhythm, tells a story that all parts (planes of reality) can easily receive and when that beat and rhythm is heard and felt by every part, every part becomes linked to that musical story. As each part links and starts to embrace that music, the vibration starts to resonate more deeply. It picks up momentum and starts to become all that is heard. That wave then ripples out from the body into the world around us, being felt by those who are near. The more people are listening to the same beat, the farther the ripple spreads, reverberating out to our community and maybe more importantly, reverberating into Mother Earth.

So take this time to LISTEN. To delve into the root,  past the fear, and hear the pulse of truth that is Mother. Sit with the fear, but don’t go into the fear. Instead feel that pulse and let any fear wash over you. You can easily do this if you feel that deep link between Mother and child, between root and Mother, where the feeling of safety and support resides. The more deeply you go, them more you give in to this process, the stronger your vibration will become. A strong vibration linked with a deep connection and resonance, will create a HUGE ripple effect within all that you are connected to. It just takes a letting go of our external world, and a realignment with the remembrance and connection to who we really are. We are Mother Earth. We are everything around us. The external is a direct mirror of the internal. We are all capable of so much more than we realize.

When we all do this, we will be able to create a world from a place of ease, knowing and tranquility, shifting the external fear and turbulence to that of  interconnected, loving energy.   

A Different Perspective on the Coronavirus

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A Different Perspective on the Coronavirus


Viruses, along with bacteria, parasites, people, places and things all have a unique vibration and blueprint. This blueprint is not only manifested through genetic transformation over time, but also by the projections and belief systems projected onto it.  Science now supports that who we are is dictated so much by how we perceive the world and interact with it. Whatever vibration we hold then turns different genes off and on in the body, literally transforming who we are and our resulting expression in the world. We see examples of this in people like Oprah (poor and abused young girl turns empowered, world influencing woman), Rich Rolls (overweight alcoholic turned high performing athlete), and many others who had seemingly overwhelming odds against them, but when they put their minds to it, they were able to shift their perspective and outwardly create a world that mirrored their internal beliefs of themselves. Not only that, but in doing so, they were also able to shift the beliefs and lives of others who had been previously projecting limiting beliefs on them. How amazing is that?!

These examples show the power we have as human beings to shift the reality around us from limiting to thriving. The more and more the whole world chooses to engage with this fear, it becomes very hard to find a safe space in which we can just breathe with ease and peace.


When applying this perspective to the current coronavirus epidemic, we must then look not only at the virus’s inherent vibration and blueprint, but also at both our own personal and human collective energy that we are projecting on to it. As we know, projections, especially held by a large mass of people, can have huge effects on how something acts or reacts. For example, if you are a part of a large, angry group cornering a scared dog, the potential of that dog lashing out and attacking the group is pretty high. However, if you approach the dog calmly with peaceful intentions,  that dog has a much greater chance of becoming less scared and more kind in response. Just like people and dogs, viruses (along with everything in our world) too have a consciousness and can respond in a similar manner.


 As I’ve worked with the coronavirus energetically, I’ve noted how heavy the collective consciousness energy is in relation to it. The human collective consciousness has attached to the coronavirus, holding it energetically in its field. We are thinking about it so often, nonstop talking about it, that it can not help but to be deeply attached to our fields. Additionally, our ancestor’s energy, which vibrates through our bones, remembers similar situations like this one (bubonic plague ie), which then amplifies this fear even more. Their memory of times of epidemic, suffering and death has quite often not been fully resolved, which then translates in a deep remembered fear response on a structural level. We can’t help but to feel the memory of fear resonating in our bones, pushing us again to move more into fear. This ancestral intensification then enhances the coronavirus’s attachment capabilities within our bodies.  We then go into the collective conciousness’s energy of:

  • Fear

  •  Pain

  • Suffering

  • Anxiety

  •  Isolation

  •  Powerlessness

  •  Lack of safety

  • Lack of being protected

  • Hopelessness

  • Feeling defenceless to help and protect others

  • Grief

  • Quarantine

  •  Hate for the virus

  •  Being broken

  •  Lack of control

  •  Power being given away to an outside authority

  •  Not having a voice and what’s being done

  • And so much more.


These fearful energies are transferred into the collective consciousness’s field, traveling through the air, creating thick, energetic air pockets that people are walking or even driving into.  As we encounter these air pockets, we get pulled into their intense, tornado-like energy, becoming very ungrounded if we are not deeply grounded to begin with. As we encounter more and more of these spaces as the whole world chooses to engage with this fear, it becomes very hard to find a safe space in which we can just breathe with ease and peace.


As a result, it is essential now more than ever, to maintain our internal, true vibration. Our internal true vibration is separate from fear and worry. It is very light and connected to the grounding and supporting Mother Earth. This energy is stable, full of wisdom and openness. Knowing this energy allows us to  differentiate our own energy from the external tornado-like energies, preventing us from getting pulled out of our bodies and into the collective consciousness’s fear. If we do get pulled into the collective consciousness’s fear there will be:


  • Shortness of breath, which leads to a more anaerobic internal environment (which viruses thrive in)

  • A racing mind

  • Low to high level anxiety

  • Our minds focusing on limitation and the future

  • Feeling unsupported and fearful

  • Feeling a sense of unease and powerlessness

  • Lower back pain

  • Foggy headedness

  • A focus on lower vibrational concepts

  • Feeling lack of internal space

  • Etc.


Additionally, when we move out of our bodies and into the fear energy that is so connected and focused on the coronavirus, we then start to quickly resonate with its frequency. When we resonate with something, it is like we are a magnet calling it forward. If we then amplify that resonance with many people focusing on it together, the calling forward multiplies exponentially.  Add a fear response to this, then our bodies go into stress mode, increasing inflammation. Inflammation leads to distress in the body which then breaks down our bodies’ immune response abilities.


So what can we do to stay educated and aware in regards to our and others’ health while not feeding the collective consciousness’s fear as well as the intense fear projection onto the coronavirus?


We must face the fear within that resonates with the collective consciousness’s fear. By willingly being present with the fear in an internal space of neutrality and openness, we allow the stored memory (both ancestral and our own) of trauma and disconnection to come up and clear from our vibration. Just like any other inner work we do, we must be present fully so that the traumatic blueprint within is allowed to fully express itself thereby unravelling it from our body and being.

We human beings have forgotten how much power we actually have and how much power we give away. Viruses have been part of our world for a very long time and they’re even a part of our DNA and mitochondria. When we work with the virus’s energy in neutrality we are able to shift the frequency that is attached to it and work with what is really there. To do this we need to be in alignment– in our central channel– and live in our breath.


Breath creates space and emptiness, making it harder for anything to attach to our bodies.

When we hold on or grip in fear, that then calls in the energy of gripping and fear– resulting in a physical manifestation like the coronavirus. But when we breathe, we are fully oxygenating ourselves and creating space within. The mores space we have within, the less trapped energy or fear the coronavirus has to attach to.

Also, the more space there is, the more light there is. The more light there is, the more our body is able to see and respond with grace to something that is foreign to it. When our bodies feel attacked they become heavier and denser energetically, minimizing the  spaciousness within. This then results with a much greater chance that our bodies will react just like the cornered dog previously mentioned: with an aggressive attack rooted in fear. Attacking energy precedes the bodies aggressive clamp down on our nervous system, shortness of breath, and ultimately a thriving environment for a virus.


When we are able to calmly resonate with trust and ease, our bodies override the virus’s inherent and projected energies, dissolving its intensity and perceived power over us.  As a result, the more we are aware of our own inherent energy the more we can identify outside energies that are not vibrating with our own. This then allows us to be with the totality of the virus’s energy, without resistance or fear, allowing our full presence to unravel anything that is not resonant with ease.  By doing this, we ripple this ease and awareness through our bodies and into the connected collective consciousness, creating more space and calm for everyone.


In conclusion, I believe it is our duty to ourselves and the collective to take full responsibility for how we engage with the coronavirus in the physical and energetic realms.

When we all create space and lightness around a topic, we are able to come together in harmony and understanding, allowing  true information and knowledge to guide us all forward. When we don’t engage in fear and project that fear onto an external force, we then don’t give away our personal power, our energy, and move out of our bodies. We are able to then connect with ease through our bodies, creating a united force that can help unravel the intensity around us and even start to shift the inherent energy of the virus itself.

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share some information that has come through as I’ve been sitting deeply with Mother Earth, Healers and other Energies that have wanted to share pertinent information at this time.  This information pertains to the coronavirus’s energy in relation to the collective consciousness, which is one layer of information (among many) that is wanting to be expressed.  I will be sending another email on other expressed layers soon. I hope that this is in someway helpful!

Additionally I will be holding another Coronavirus Healing Class on Monday, March 23rd at 7:00pm and another one on Friday, March 27th at 7:00pm for those who feel called to partake. To learn more, please click HERE.

Much love everyone!

empath growth

The watcher archetype blog

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Today I learned a lesson that I have learned many times over. This lesson always sneaks up on me because the perpetuating habit behind it was ingrained at a very early age. As a child I–along with many other empaths–learned that to stay safe, I had to be aware of what was going on around me at all times. Since we are energetic beings having a human experience, we all have the ability to tap into the energy around us and feel the vibe of a place, person, or thing. That is how we, along with animals, feel cues from our parents and environments. It’s a big part of how we pick up on the bigger picture that is going on all around us. As such a being, I would use this ability to send energetic feelers out around me to feel into my environment to determine how safe it was…or wasn’t. 

I knew that just because things looked safe from the outside, it didn’t mean that there wasn’t something brewing below the surface waiting to erupt. This could consist of conflicts between my parents, verbal abuse from siblings, and so much more. I learned that it was much safer to be so deeply attuned to my environment that any small energy shift would be instantly felt, alerting me as to how to be ready to shift my energy in order to neutralize any perceived threat. Being able to have my finger on the pulse of my environment gave me a sense–a feeling–of control over my environment and even the sense that I could manipulate it enough to sometimes create an outcome that felt more preferable.

As I’ve gotten older and my gifts of awareness have gotten much more refined, I have realized that this ability has many pros and cons to it. Being able to feel everything around me has taught me how to: 

  • fit in better
  • hide my sensitivity
  • get responses that I needed from bullies or other people who I felt were threatening
  • took my awareness from inside of myself to outside of myself. 

I became excellent at conforming to my environment, becoming a chameleon hiding in plain sight. No one (except close friends) was aware of what I would feel, see and know about those around me. This ability became so inherent and VERY prevalent–running 24/7–that I gave this part of me a name: The Watcher.

The Watcher was always present and on duty, scanning that my environment was safe. She kept me slightly separate from my environment–kind of like an eagle watching from above–always scanning and seeing how everything was going around me. She was my guardian, and I didn’t feel safe without her. Little did I know that while having a defense mechanism like The Watcher made sense for what I knew at the time, that there is a much easier, less exhausting, and higher energetic way of operating with more integrity. 

Having a part of me that was always “out”–feeling what people were doing–actually has a large energetic impact on everyone involved. When I was feeling into others, I was literally sending energetic chords out to people, connecting with them, then allowing their energy to come back to me. This new energetic freeway of information would be processed through my body, and I would confuse their emotions (and energy) for my own. For instance, when I would go to gatherings, I would start to feel socially anxious and have to leave because of all my anxiety. Upon leaving, I would feel fine again after just a few minutes of fresh air to myself. I used to assume that I felt better because I finally had more space to myself. 

Later, I realized that I felt better because I wasn’t in a room utilizing The Watcher to pick up on everybody else’s feelings–much of which was low-level social anxiety. When I would do this in social settings, my energy would be pushing outwards as opposed to being grounded within myself. Additionally, at that time I had no clue to even think or feel what my unique energy felt like in comparison to others’ unique energy, so I had no clue how to differentiate between others’ energy and mine. Therefore, I was just taking on everyone’s energy, thinking it was all mine, then reacting to how strongly I was feeling emotionally and having no clue as to why I was feeling so emotionally ALL over the place. I assumed I must just be a socially anxious, jealous, crazy, moody person–all of the room’s negative emotions! Not only that, I didn’t know that once I took on others’ emotions and energy, I had to get rid of it somehow so that it wasn’t all bottled up inside of me. Essentially, my need to know how my environment was feeling was actually making me feel incredibly shitty.

There’s an even deeper level of imbalance to this Watcher energy that I recently relearned. I’ve recently gotten to the point where I can hear people’s main feelings as thoughts. This power can be helpful when I’m neutral and very grounded, but when I have a lot of emotional attachment to how a person is feeling–and therefore expectation of how I hope he/she feels–it becomes detrimental to all involved. I have realized that as I (along with everyone else) access more of my “I Am” presence, I am privy to a lot of energy. 

This energy, when focused on someone or something, has a lot of power behind it. Just like you can feel an intense stare from across a room, or feel the power behind a powerful sonata, if you or I focus on something intensely, the focus of our energy will feel it. And if that directed energy is not neutral but has some form of intention, then our energy is energetically pressuring them to feel a certain way. I know how I feel when people tell me what to do; I pull away. And if they keep doing it? I get angry and defensive. This then creates an energetic domino effect in which I then will feel upset that the other person is pulling away, which then will just intensify the situation even more because The Watcher’s chord is allowing both parties to feel the other’s emotions more and more strongly as that focus intensifies. 

I’ve watched this pattern play out many times in my romantic relationships, and I had always wondered why once I stopped caring or thinking about whatever was up, the man would inevitably come forward in our relationship once again. To a certain extent, his reaction has been due to other factors as well, but it also has been because my energy has aggressively been pushing externally on them. This external push created a sense of distrust and discomfort consciously or subconsciously, thereby creating an imbalance in both of our energetic alignment and ability to clearly hear and know what we are both feeling.

When I recently realized that I was doing this same pattern over again, I was SO appalled at my distrust in the other person’s personal journey and that everything would end up working for the highest good. 

So, what did I do with all of this knowledge once it came to light? Well, I realized that The Watcher was working waaayyy too much, which was pretty shitty of me. I sent her off on a forever long vacation and replaced her with the knowing that when I focus on my energy and sense of trust, I am actually way better off in life…as is everyone else involved. I realized that when I stand in trust and my internal alignment, I inherently know from within myself what I need to know. When I am there, I am linked into the never-ending internal matrix that is connected to EVERYTHING and have a much bigger and deeper sense of knowing. This allows my energy to stay clear, the watcher to take a break and others to just have their own energy to contend with. Energetically, I walk with energetic integrity and am giving respect and deference to other people’s paths without the egotistical belief that my energy and knowing should be involved in any way in their process.

In conclusion, I’m very sorry that I did that, but I’m very thankful for the lesson yet again. Every time we go into fear, this brings to light areas that we don’t feel safe and brings forth an opportunity to heal parts of us that have been in situations that weren’t safe. When we are fully in our bodies and in our presence and recognize that there’s no safer place for us to be, that is where the greatest outcome possible will occur. Because when we’re fully in our knowing and in alignment, we have the most energy flow possible coming into our body. When we are connected to that energetic matrix, we are connected to the largest expanse of knowledge that exists and can pull from it versus living in The Watcher mind, which keeps us in flight or fight mode.

How “woke” are you allowing your Body to Be?

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Your Body is a Sentient Being. How much are you allowing your Body to express itself, to work with you, and to have its own autonomy? The relationship between our Body and Being will dictate how well we show up in this world and how enjoyable our Earth Walk is. This article is an exploration of what it means for your Body to Awaken alongside your Being. Enjoy!


As a conscious Being on the path of awakening, I have always struggled with how to balance my Body and Being(aka Higher Self, Spirit, or Soul) together. Every time I have an emotional/mental/spiritual breakthrough, my Body has had to take time to sleep, feel sick sometimes, and just process all of the previously unaddressed energy that was stored in my Body. When my Being connects with this unaddressed energy of outdated programming, beliefs, and/or physical infections/stagnations he/she/it brings awareness to the stuck area. Bringing awareness or consciousness to a stagnant area helps the stuck energy  move, thereby instigating my Body to finally detox old gunk. This process can take time. Sometimes, in my opinion, waaaayyy too much time! It can seem like I am forever processing out old gunk and feeling low energy. No bueno!

On my path of awakening (at least over the last 6 years) my spiritual awakening has predominantly come first. “What am I feeling?” “Where is that feeling in my Body?” “What does that feeling mean??” etc. etc…. These are questions and awarenesses that always seem to be in the forefront of my awareness.  As my Body gets to work detoxing these new areas of stuck energy (I call them ah-ha discoveries), I notice that frustration and anxiety over how long the process is taking and what the process feels like, is always present in some form or fashion. Especially if my life is really packed when this process goes down. When life is busy, I don’t have as much patience and time for revelations to come in, for energy to feel low, for uncomfortable feelings to move through and out of my Body.

 By the time my Body (finally!) gets rid of all the stagnated energy, my Being has already moved on to the next discovery, putting this seemingly endless pattern of stagnation, ah-ha discovery, and then detox on repeat. Granted, sometimes there is a lull in this  never-ending process, but since the energies are getting so much faster on the Earth now, as time speeds up, the lull time has also frustratingly become shorter and shorter. 

My first way of looking at this pattern was to think that I should just get better tools to help my Body to handle my Spirit’s growth.


I strove to find more efficient spiritual tools and perspectives, better supplements to support my Body, better ways of resting, etc. And those new tools were/are great! The downside of to these discoveries, however, was that these new tools not only helped make the process more fluid, but it also sped up this pattern of awakening both Body and Spirit, speeding up this never-ending pattern even more. Though, as time progressed,  these tools did take make the pattern more bearable….but there was always still the underlying goal of making the Body catchup and to discover how to be able to power through moments of Body catch-up time  more easily. 

Then came a life coaching session that flipped my script. My very intuitive life coach voiced how she could almost palpably see my Body trying to chase my Spirit as it almost inexhaustibly strove for more and more awakening. How exhausting for my Body! And how frustrating! And not at all how my Body wants to live! This realization brought forth the question:

“What does the Highest expression of my Body truly want?”


For me, the answer to this question is the same thing that my Being wants: to live on the edge of discovery. To always be learning, growing, and discovering new awarenesses and ways of moving energy. To Awaken the Extraordinary within! This ah-ha moment, though not intellectually anything that amazing, made me realize that my Body really is incredibly intelligent. She is in fact, Sentient.  She is a partner in life, there to fulfill Her greatest desires, just like my Being is. She is not just a vessel, She is a feeler of all of the extraordinary feelings that this Earth walk provides.  My Body is the physical embodiment of a Being who energetically travels Universes and goes into all sorts of crazy situations.

Since my Body is my Being’s counterpart on this Earth, shouldn’t my Body be just as capable and flexible as my Being is?


It’s just like having two police officers, or acrobats, or psychologists, etc. working together and having one person be doing all of this crazy, on the edge stuff, while the other one just barely investigates anything, barely works out, or barely knows psychology. How well will those teams do together in the long run? There will probably be frustration, anxiety, repression, coping mechanisms and even disrespect between members of those teams over time.

 On the flip side of this analogy, the greatest teams are the ones that admire, respect, rely on and love one another unequivocally. This will ensure the police officers have one another’s backs in precarious situations; the acrobats catch one another in the air; and the psychologists make great assessments for their clients. This realization prodded me ask myself:

“What would it take for my Body and Being to not only work as a team, but to truly admire, respect, rely on and love one another?”


I liken this line of questioning to that of really delving deep into knowing the masculine and feminine sides of our Being to the extent that they are so in love with each other that they almost become one. They still keep their own identities, but they just work so fluidly with one another to the point where it isn’t work for them to get along.Them getting along is as simple and as inherent as breathing. Their level of getting along then is seen on the external world as balanced, loving, low-drama relationships.

So I ask you:

“What does your Body truly want for Himself/Herself/Itself if He/She/It could have anything He/She/It desires? What would life look like then?”
“How can your Body best evolve with your Being so that the life is fun, enjoyable and full of ease?”
“What actions, perspectives, habits, ways of thinking, or ways of Being would have to come to fruition make that way of being a reality?”


For me, I realized this level of integration, trust, respect, and love between my Body and Being would require a lot more trust to succeed. My Being would have to trust my Body to do more guiding, to be able to move more so that it could move (and even discover) all of the emotional, stuck energy out of my Body that my Being helps to uncover.  Also, as my Body gets to move more, He/She/It  is given a chance to discover His/Her/Its own limitations, stagnant areas, and belief systems, thereby helping both the Body and the Being evolve together. Go figure my Body and Being have the same ambitions and they were also paired together, right?

This revelation bodes the questions:

“Why do you think your Body and Being were paired together?”
“What has their pairing together helped you learn?”


These are just a few questions of so many that could come out of this exploration of the relationship between your Body and Being. I encourage you to do some exploring of your own in this area and to really treat your Body like its own Sentient Being who is truly married to your Spirit. See how that marriage is going. See how much they trust each other, respect each other, and love each other. And then do everything in your power to give them both the most beautiful marriage they desire. Because you, and they, deserve it!

Are you feeling Stuck?

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Feeling anxiety? Feeling pushed and pulled in different directions? Confused about how to move forwards? Frustrated about this dissatisfied feeling that is bubbling up that makes no “sense” to you? Tired of feeling torn in different directions?

A lot of times this is because our reality is not matching the blueprint we are operating from. Our belief and expectation about what SHOULD be happening, is not matching what is actually happening.


should-1767702_1280The more we struggle with these uncomfortable feelings, push them down, put them in a box somewhere in the recesses of our mind, or try to change our state to “DEAL WITH IT” (exercise, alcohol, eating, etc.) it just keeps coming back. Because:

What we resist, persists!

Sitting in the discomfort is uncomfortable as hell though. The discomfort is asking for our time, our attention, our energy, and that isn’t what we planned at this moment, is it? We planned on getting things done, focusing on our career, or zoning out on something fun. You name it. The confusing, uncomfortable feeling seems like a vortex of black hole energy that will swallow us up forever and spit us out (maybe) somewhere shitty, even more confusing, and so far from what we are expecting out of our life, that the idea of even stepping forward into that vortex just seems like the dumbest choice we could possibly make!


Unfortunately (or fortunately) on the other side of this seemingly endless vortex is  the answer to all of your questions. And that vortex of fear? It’s really just a part of you that is undiscovered. It has been there the whole time. It doesn’t define you, it is just a part of you. You get to decide what to do with it. My suggestion would be to explore it so that there isn’t anything scary about it. Bringing awareness to it calms the vortex down and allows it to integrate with the whole.

Let’s first reframe the “VORTEX” or the feeling/situation so that is a little bit more approachable and less overwhelming.  Let’s reframe your situation by comparing it to a neighborhood.

Your neighborhood is nice, community oriented, fun to be in (your body), but it also has this sketchy wooded area that just cries out danger silently(your vortex). But when we go into the sketchy area, clean it up a bit, understand what it needs to thrive, help those who might be lurking in the area to either not lurk, get the help that they need, etc, the whole wooded area can actually become an asset.  A place to play, a place to relax, a place for community to meet.

You get to decide what you do with that area. But leaving it go will just facilitate more pain, more confusing, and more sketchiness that will resonate with something not great ultimately happening.


My suggestion would be (wink wink, nudge nudge) to go into that wooded area and try excavating the area. BUT, like any sane, rational adult who wants to be safe and feel good about doing this, let’s set ourselves up with the best tools for the best results.


Set your intention.

Why are you going into that wooded area? Are you going in with compassion and just trying to understand what is there and what you are working with? Or you going in to just knock down the whole area? Which intention do you think will have the calmest, most feel good result? Because remember, this wooded area is inside of you. Maybe, just maybe, go in gently so that the inside feels good and cared for.

How are you going in?

For safety’s sake, let’s go in with as much safety as we can. Call in support. Energetically or physically. Feel light as you go in. This raises your vibration so that you are not resonating with something “bad happening.” Because, again, what you resist, persists. So don’t resist something bad happening. Don’t allow it to happen by not worrying about it. And how do you not worry about it??


Focus on the Light.

Easier said than done, I know. Focus and feel what you are grateful for. Feel all of the people and energies that support you. Feel how your life is happening for you, not to you. Remember times of complete joy. Smile to your heart. Do all of the things for a couple of minutes that raise your vibration and swath you in light.


From this space of Light, Safety, and Trust, walk into the woods. 

And just observe. Get to know the parts. Where are the trees? Is there a stream? Are there a bunch of brambles? Which parts work for you and which parts should go so that you can make this place fit the intention that you have for it? How can you appreciate it for what it is and really bring out the great parts of it and help the other parts that might not be working so well for it?

While doing all of this, make sure you are coming at all of this from a place of compassion and understanding. Your intention will create your outcome and choose which lens you see your reality from.  Since these woods are really inside of you, it would be great if you had the Highest Intention for this area in mind… or rather, IN HEART.

If there is a lot there to take in, feel free to explore the woods slowly. Sometimes there is a lot to take in, and that is okay. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Be gentle. Take care of yourself. And know that it is all perfect. You’ve done this before. You’ve discovered other woods that you thought were scary and overwhelming, and then found out later that your really liked those woods. Like that time you might have been terrified of trying out for a new sport or going to a new event, and then later realized that you loved the sport or loved the people at the new event.

Those woods are really a gateway for something awesome!

So, to bring it all back to the original point of feelings of anxiety, confusion, or upset… what are we really doing when we go into this part of the woods, this new territory?

We are expanding our blueprint.  We are going into uncharted territory (woods), discovering things that work for or don’t work for us, bringing light to the situation, understanding the parts of the woods, and then integrating it into the larger community. So that it can be an asset. So that it can be cared for, can thrive, and have a higher vibration.  This expands our blueprint by realizing we are more than we thought we were, we are capable of more than we thought we could do, and we are able to walk through the before thought seemingly impossible.


And expanding our blueprint can be really scary. Because it is outside of what we know. And this, when reframed, is called learning, discovery, and adventure. As long as you are prepared (feeling trust, light, clear intentions, motivated to discover something new that will add to your arsenal of awesome), this journey of expansion is actually amazing. Expanding your blueprint is actually just smart, and exciting, and thrilling. Look at all you can discover and be!

So begin your journey! Expand your blueprint! Discover woods (that felt like a vortex but is really just another new exciting place) and enjoy this crazy adventure!



Manifest with a Clear Signal

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There is a lot of information out there about manifesting and how to bring what we really want into our lives. Since there are so many methods for this, let’s give you one more! 


The first step to bringing what we truly desire into our lives, is knowing how the manifestation process even works.  If you already know this, please scroll down to the next section. I like to break everything down into energy and frequencies, so that the picture is super clear, so let’s go with that methodology.  So, if you will, let’s look at this like we (our Being and Body) are a computer program with different codes for every belief that we have. Each code has a different signal strength based on how old the coding is and how deep within the Body and Being it lies. The deeper the coding, the more foundational the code is. So if we were to look at these codes like a foundation to a building, the foundational codes are a part of what keeps the whole building upright. If we try to clear or change a deeper code, then sometimes the whole foundation can shake. This can be very disconcerting. Like all of a sudden the Egyptian Pyramids starting to shake and fall down after thousands of years being solidly in place. When this happens,  our old survival programming can try to block/resist this from happening, in an effort to keep everything standing in one piece.  Our survival programming is designed to keep those pyramids standing, regardless of earthquakes, high winds, or others looking to tear down the pyramid to build something different in its place.

Luckily, we are not really the Pyramid, only the energy coding that makes the Pyramid look like it does. If the building falls, all this means is that we have the opportunity to build a new building, one in which we can build with our new beliefs and visions of the world. And it could be the same Pyramid, just this time with different chambers, a little better lighting, and maybe a map of how to get around. Or, it could be a whole new model, like a tree house, because we’ve always secretly dreamed of living in the trees.


So, why am I addressing manifestation from this angle? Well manifestation and life is like that good old computer program analogy. If you want an end result, first we have to understand the program we are working with, who designed it, and how the coding works. Once we understand all of these pieces , then it is way easier to get the end result we are going for with way less stress and strife.

Also, key information for your programming is knowing that if we try to bring into our world something that is at odds with our programming, even if it comes in, it probably won’t last. It is like the classic example of this is Lottery Winners. Approximately 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years of winning. Why is this? Because their past programming and beliefs do not align with having all of that money. If we aren’t holding the programming for supporting whatever it is that we want, our system will deviate to the foundational programming and find ways to clear this new programming (having all of that money) that is threatening the foundational programming. So let’s save ourselves from that devastating rollercoaster and address the foundational programming first.

Thus the first step to manifesting what it is that we truly desire is to understand our foundational beliefs, why we even believe what we really desire, and then to clear the old programming from our Bodies and Beings. This will process will enable new programming, programming which creates a more appealing and stable foundation of who we are NOW, to come in.

I mean, how awkward would it be to have the programming of being… say, a barista, when in fact we have the potential to be a world renowned artist? And all that it takes to transform into that world renowned artist is to shift some of our programming. We would never feel quite right or satisfied in our lives, but not be able to shift into who we truly Be. Let’s avoid that outcome and focus on how to bring into our lives what we truly desire.


So the next step after understanding how our programming works and why it is there in the first place, is to clear out the programming that doesn’t work for us. Think about the older programming that we worked to clear or that we have already cleared. Think how it has snuck into all areas of our life.

For example, say we have the older programming of being overweight. Sometimes we lose the weight, but then we put it right back on or put on even more than we previously just lost. The underlying belief behind that could be that we don’t feel like others can see us, or that we don’t want others to really see us. Or that we need to eat to feel a sense of connection with our body, or that food is our comfort for dealing with our life. If food is our way to find comfort in our life, then what are we not addressing in our life that makes us look to food for comfort? Or how are we maybe using our weight to block the world from seeing different parts of us? Asking ourselves questions that look to understand the source of our programming, will literally shed light on the programming and start to unravel its hold on us. 

Additionally, the beauty of delving into all of this, is that once we understand the WHY or purpose of our programming, the WHAT to do next step becomes a lot easier to enact. And that WHAT is what I really want to address here.


If we understand our WHY, a deep why that roots/channels all the way back into our foundational programming, then figuring out WHAT to do to shift that programming becomes a lot easier.

The foundational programming has roots and channels out from it that connect into all areas of our life. These roots connect to the symptoms or actions that we consciously or unconsciously live out day to day. They can be our source of imbalances, or our channels that allow other opportunities to come in. Let’s choose to make them opportunity channels.

For instance, let’s work with the example of manifesting a new job. Why we truly want to manifest a new job could be so that our dream of traveling and meeting new people who are passionate about the same things as us can be realized. What roots/channels need to be cleared so that that our new job can manifest?
One channel to make sure is cleared is starting to travel even without that job. Why? So the travel channel is already active and being fed clear information that we really want to travel. Another channel to clear would be to start meeting new people now. Even though we don’t have that new job, we can start getting out to meet new people and start to feel that feeling now. That will create a deeper programming that we already are meeting new people and of course it would be a fundamental part of our life.  Another channel to clear would be letting friends and colleagues know that we are searching for this new job. Use their channels of connection to help  open up our channels of connection. Their extra energy will help strengthen and open our channels. Like energy feeds like energy.  We could also work on the channel that has to do with interviewing, with feeling excited, with being ready to change positions, etc.


The point is, our roots/channels all hold a resonance. They help to feed both beliefs and energy to our foundational programming, energy and beliefs that keep that foundational programming thriving and strong. So, if that foundational programming is in alignment with what we truly desire and who we truly BE, then having clear channels to facilitate this programming will allow those opportunities to keep enhancing who we truly BE and what we truly desire to come in with more ease and grace. And each root/channel  has its own frequency that signals out to the Universe. And this root/channel will facilitate and nourish the foundational programming more easily too if it is super clear. The more roots/channels there are leading back to our foundational programming, the more routes the Universe has to bring in and manifest what we truly desire. 

It is a lot harder to bring in that new job if we aren’t looking for other jobs, if we aren’t making space to travel, if we aren’t connecting with others already, and if we aren’t prepared for that change. So open up as many of the roots/channels that link to your foundational programming as you can!

Help the Universe help you!

Use the knowledge that this world and our lives are just programming and that if we uncover the foundational programming, and then shift that as well as all of the roots/channels that link back to that foundational programming, then we are able to manifest what it is that we really desire with ease and grace.



Don’t know if this really works? Start small! Try to manifest something that has little consequence to you and your world, but that you really do want. Manifest that, and you will start to clear the programming that perhaps manifesting the big things that you want is hard. Then go out and try to manifest something bigger and harder to believe (for you). Build up the manifesting momentum and you will be on track to radically manifest what you truly desire!