Full Super Moon Equine Meditation
August 26, 2023
Weaverville, NC
Join Terry, Shannon, Bailey & Wahoo for an evening of deep meditation and awakening!
Horses hearts have an electromagnetic field 5x larger than a humans. When we come together with that magnitude, the power of healing for ourselves and others is infinite. Add the power of a Full Super Moon in a gorgeous field right off of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and you have yourself the recipe for true amazingness!
The Deets
Arrive at 8:45pm to 60 Rector Rd, Weaverville, NC. Meditation begins at 9pm and will last around an hour fifteen. Please bring a comfortable chair or blanket. Suggested Donation of $15-$20. Participation will be capped at 20. To reserve your spot, please fill out the form below and send a donation to either shannon@openspaceinnovations.com via PayPal or Shannon-Rupert-1 via Venmo. We hope to see you soon!