Full Super Moon Equine Meditation

August 26, 2023
Weaverville, NC

Join Terry, Shannon, Bailey & Wahoo for an evening of deep meditation and awakening!

Group Meditation is POWERFUL

Horses hearts have an electromagnetic field 5x larger than a humans. When we come together with that magnitude, the power of healing for ourselves and others is infinite. Add the power of a Full Super Moon in a gorgeous field right off of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and you have yourself the recipe for true amazingness!

The Deets

Arrive at 8:45pm to 60 Rector Rd, Weaverville, NC. Meditation begins at 9pm and will last around an hour fifteen. Please bring a comfortable chair or blanket. Suggested Donation of $15-$20. Participation will be capped at 20. To reserve your spot, please fill out the form below and send a donation to either shannon@openspaceinnovations.com via PayPal or Shannon-Rupert-1 via Venmo. We hope to see you soon!

Full Super Moon Equine Meditation

Thank you for signing up for the Full Super Moon Equine Meditation! Please fill out the form below to save your spot and then send the donation amount to Shannon@openspaceinnovations.com via PayPal or to Shannon-Rupert-1 via Venmo. See you soon!
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