
Imbalances of any kind often start with an energetic opening or weakness in the system. Many times people have worked on these imbalances, but have been unable to fully clear them. Homeopathics work on a more subtle plain, so they can access weaknesses in the system more easily; they many times can move pathogens, infectants and other energies out of the system in a more gentle nature than herbs, supplements and foods; and they are great for people or animals who have a hard time ingesting pills or supplements.

By definition, Homeopathy is a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to those of the disease. Homeopathy was officially discovered in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like(similia similibus curentur), a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.

Taking homeopathics are a great way to:

  • Address symptoms on an energetic level
  • To access imbalances on an energetic level
  • For people who are more reactive to supplments
  • For animals who won’t take pills
  • To help clear the resonance of a reoccurring issue.

I found that homeopathics can not only clear the source of imbalances, but also clear resonance with source of imbalances so as to reset the body and allow it to clear said imbalancing factors with ease. I have created a Homeopathic Line that addresses main imbalances that I have consistently seen in my practice, but for specific acute issues, I suggest creating a homeopathic specifically formulated for your needs.


Bacteria Be Gone

  Bacteria Be-Gone

Bacteria Be-Gone is a homeopathic meant to clear all energetic levels and resonance with imbalancing bacteria. This homeopathic both mitigates and helps clear existing infections that are not chronic. For chronic infections, please consult your doctor and/or take other supplements to help clear deep, existing infections.

Cost: $15

Candida Cleanse

Candida Cleanse

Candida is the most common fungus in the human body. It’s often found in areas like the mouth, skin, digestive tract, toenails, rectum and vagina. It’s generally harmless, but an overgrowth of this fungus can lead to infection. Help create candida balance in your Body today, by taking this gentle, yet deeply effective, candida cleanse.






Some signs candida may be present in your Body:

  • Nausea
  • Bloating, constipation or diarrhea
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Skin issues such as eczema or rashes
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Joint pain

Ways to reduce candida overgrowth in your Body:

    • Reduce refined carbs and sugar from your diet
    • Lower alcohol consumption
    • Decrease stress levels
    • Balance your microbiota
    • Decrease usage of Birth control pills  or antibiotics (consult your doctor for both of these)
    • Strengthen your  immune system
    • Drink more water
    • Eat a balanced diet
    • Sleep 7-8 hour a night
Cost: $15

Heavy Metal Cleanse

  Heavy Metal Cleanse

The Heavy Metal Cleanse is designed to help your Body gently clear Heavy Metals from all levels. For acute issues of larger amounts of Heavy Metals in the Body, look into taking Zeolite with this homeopathic.

Cost: $15

Lyme Away

Lyme Away

Lyme Away was created after dealing with the continual frustration of getting Lyme multiple times. This homeopathic is formulated to help clear the resonance with Lyme on all levels. To learn more about Lyme, please check out my Lyme Video.

Cost: $15

Parasite Cleanse

Parasite Cleanse

Parasite Cleanse is a powerful homeopathic that not only works with parasites on the physical level, but also on the energetic levels that hold energetic parasitic attachments as well.  This is a deeply dimensional homeopathic. Please use this for clearing energetic, parasitic attachments;  as a preventative for future parasitic attachments, and with other more physical parasitic cleansers if there is a chronic parasite issue.

Cost: $15

Personalized Homeopathic

Personalized Homeopathic

Your personalized Homeopathic will be made specifically for your individual needs. Together we will cover the focus of your needs and then I will create a homeopathic to address that need as well as any other imbalances that may be linked to the acute issue you are sharing.

A Personalized Homeopathic includes the following:

  • A 10-15 minute in person or phone consult discussing main issues to be addressed
  • A 10-30 minute homeopathic formulation for said issues
  • A 2.0 oz homeopathic

1st Specialized Homeopathic Cost: $25
2nd Specialed Homeopathic Refill Cost: $15

Viral Away

Viral Away

Viral Away works comprehensively with all viruses in your system and energetic field. This homeopathic is meant to be used for clearing out resonance with imbalanced connections to viruses and as a viral infection preventative. If you have an acute viral infection, please consult your doctor and/or use strong supplements in addition to this homeopathic to help move the viral infection out of your Body.

Cost: $15

Are you interested in clearing an issue energetically? Please contact us and we will have your homeopathic ready within 24 hours (excluding weekends)!