

Pulls & Triggers

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Life is crazy these days, right? So much is going on that we tend to not have time for these feelings that are triggered by all of this craziness from come up. You know the ones, the ones where your stomach gets all knotted up, your breath is shallow, you feel anxiety, ungrounded and a feeling like you want to run but know that there is nowhere to run to?


Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, we all experience these feelings, but generally walk around with them tamped down in our bodies, only letting them come out when we have time for them. Have you noticed that that time for delving into our emotions is less and less available and there are more and more feelings that keep getting piled onto each other? It seems almost impossible to keep up and you wonder is it really this hard? Is it this hard for everyone else? It can’t be right?


Well, it’s definitely not just you. The energies of the world are picking up more and more, with all of these retrogrades, conjunctions, full moons, eclipses, downloads… you name it! It’s happening! And the energies keep getting more and more intense, with that full moon coming up or that new wave of energy coming in that is still riding us hard.


So how to deal with all of this?!


Try this perspective on for size and see how it feels. I’ve been working this diligently for the last few days, and it is just release after release happening, allowing me to just allow without judgment and fear that it will always be so incredibly intense.


You are the Universe. Every dimension and space is happening inside of you at all moments. You are in charge of this vast ecosystem. Every feeling is a story that is playing out for some member or part of the Universe. If you allow the story (feeling) to play out, then the beautiful stories of struggle and life get to play out fully, creating a diverse, lush Universe of waves all of the things that make life so juicy and dynamic. If you stop the flow of the feeling, block feeling it fully, then the story(feeling) gets stuck, and gets put on replay. Over and over and over and… never-ending. Until we decide to revisit the story and allow it to play out. Like a movie on the screen. But we have to feel the feeling of the story to fully release the characters from that story from their never-ending replay, so that they can move on with their life and leave the Groundhog’s day spin. And, not surprisingly, the stories that tend to spin over and over again are the ones that we judge as being “bad” or “wrong”.



With this perspective, feelings and stories stop being about us, and start being about how much feeling can we allow to just flow through in order to let this Universe that we are in charge of to keep flowing and expanding naturally. How much of the waves of feeling can we expand larger than so that they can just be a small wave that we get to ride?


The caveat is that those stored feelings and stories are actually old programming that are just wanting to be allowed to fully express themselves so that they can clear fully from our Being. This then allows us to connect more deeply with who we truly Be, because there isn’t any story or feeling in the way of us connecting deeply with that more authentic true energy.


So go out there, and let the Universe flow through you. Embrace the ride and see what happens!


Much Love!

Psychic Attacks

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Have you ever experienced a feeling or energy in which you feel like an external energy is blocking you or affecting you? This could be energy from a co-worker, from a friend, from an ex-lover, etc.

Here are some things that you can do to see if you are indeed having a psychic attack and then how to clear that energy.

How to know you are being Psychically Attacked:

a.) If you are a muscle tester or do Access Consciousness you can ask:
Truth, Body and Being, am I being psychically attacked?

If your answer is a constriction of your energy, or a no from muscle testing, then there is your answer for no. The constriction basically feels like you are heavier, like your energy can’t go much bigger than yourself, or a tightness in your chest. If the energy lightens up, if you feel more expansive, or your muscle testing is a yes, then you are indeed being attacked in some manner.

b.) When you think of that person or energy that is potentially the culprit of the attack, where are they in your field? Do you feel them right up in your business, further out from you or way across town? If they are close to you and up in your business, there is a sign that they are influencing your field in some way.

c.) When you think of this energy or this blocker, what part of you tightens up? If some part tightens up, then you can ask your body and being if there is a chord there or if there is some form of mechanism or cellular memory that is allowing them in. You can ask this question just like the question in #1. Clearing these can be as simple as energetically cutting the chord with an energetic knife, or more intensive by clearing contracts with that energy. I suggest doing both of these no matter what. More on this below.

If you think you could be being Psychically Attacked, what do you do?

A. Water Jar Clearing:

Julie Hanson, a friend and colleague of mine, told me this method that she came up with and it is pretty phenomenal.


a. Fill a glass jar with water and leave it out for 24 hours in the place that is being attacked (home, office, space you are most often in) with the intention that you are capturing all of the frequencies that are in the space along with whatever energy that is attacking the space.
b. Cap the Jar after 24 hours.
c. Reset the energy of the jar by using the energy of intention. You can send the violet flame through the jar, put frankincense in it, or just set the intention that the energy of the jar is shifting to a higher vibration.
d. Resend the frequency that is in the jar back out to the “attacker.” This lets the energy know that it is not allowed to affect you or your space like it has been.
e. This water is the energetic imprint of your space and you and whatever is affecting those components. Since everything is holographic, you are setting up a homeopathic remedy that is not allowing the energy that is unwanted into your space as well as setting up a resonance out that is shifting the original energy.

B. Stones

Stones are very powerful. They hold a resonance and energy that is very grounding and vibrationally intentional. Here are a few stones that are beneficial for blocking energetic attacks (information here found on

black-tourmaline-1609432__480 a.Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful protectors against the negative energy from others in both the Earth plane and the spirit plane.  It is said to reflect negative energy back to the sender. Also is said to deflect the energy and radiation from electrical equipment.



crystal-860832__480b. Amethyst is a stone of protection and can be worn to prevent psychic attacks and to protect the wearer from all types of harm. Keeping an amethyst cluster in a room such as the living room, will clear out negative or blocked energies.

c. Fire Agate offers a strong shield of protection and is excellent for dispelling fear, a stone that transmutes  energy. All types of agate are useful for protection.

d. Hematite is very protective and can help to draw negativity from the base chakra and transmute it, whilst preventing the wearer from absorbing the negativity projected from others. This stone is aligned with the base chakra and is also grounding.

There are many Stones you can utilize for assistance in this, but this list is a good start. If you are needing assistance in the moment as well, you can call on the energy of stone to come in and protect you as well.

C. Energetic Barriers

maritime-6475_1280There are many ways to setup energetic barriers since energy follows thought, but this a good technique shared by Massage Therapist and Shaman Giuseppe Piazza.

a. Set up reflective mirrors around you and/or the space around the space that is being attacked. Visualize in detail these mirrors as a tight, reflective barrier pointing inwards to your space or to inside of you.
b. Now set up another set up reflective mirrors point outwards on the other side of the mirrors that are pointed internally in around your or your space. These mirrors send energy back to senders automatically.
b. Set a golden energy or flame energy (again, the violet flame is good for this) in the center of you or your space that eats up all of the negative energy and that is magnetized in energy as its light is being reflected back and forth from the mirrors.

D. Find out How the Energy is Getting In

Since everything is a reflection of ourselves and is here for us to learn through, finding out why you and/or your space is resonating with an Energetic Attack is maybe the most important thing you can do to clear the attack. Here are some questions you can ask your Body and Being about this (via muscle testing or access consciousness or whatever method you use to get clear answers from your Higher Self):


a. In what way do I believe my body or space is open to this attack? What are my fears around being attacked?

For example:
I am scared that this attack will ruin my business. Why then could an external energy have that influence?

Your response could be, that without your business, you couldn’t have money to support yourself. So how are you not trusting in your safety and culpability to have something like this not affect you? What would it take to trust that nothing could affect you and hurt you?

b. Who would I have to be to have this not affect me or happen? The answer to this could be: I would be someone that is deeply connected to my community and those who protect me so that any external energy wouldn’t touch my deep connection and knowing that nothing can touch me… unless I let it.

c. How did my future self already get through this? Your future self has already gotten through this, learned the lesson from it and is having a good time learning something new. Let’s ask that you what it took to get through this.

d. What is right about this situation? What can I learn from this so that it doesn’t come at me as something negative, but just a learning opportunity? Reframing the question to something that is more open allows for an answer that can help you to arise and move the energy in a positive way.

E. Get Bigger than your Attack

earth-1388003_1280If you are bigger than your attack or attacker, it can not touch you. So energetically, you need to make yourself really big. Make yourself as big as the room you are in, then bigger so you are as big as a mountain, then bigger so that you are as big as Asheville or wherever you are at. Now see how much bigger you are than your attacker or the Attack. Squish the attacker or the attack. It is as small as an ant. Dissolve it, step on it, do whatever you want with it. It is inconsequential when you are that big. Stay that big, and nothing can touch you.


For specialized help, please feel free to give me a call.

How to Tell When Energy is NOT Yours

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Feeling Emotional, Anxious or Tired? Maybe That Isn’t Yours!

So much of our day can be jam-packed  that when we feel certain emotions and feelings, we might not have time to stop and ask ourselves, “where is this coming from?”


We may just assume our feelings are coming up. But what if they aren’t coming up? What if they are being absorbed from other other people, leading to anxiety, feelings of hunger, feelings of sadness, feelings of being tired. And then, as a result, we are eating for other people, getting tired because we are feeling and absorbing others’  emotions (like emotional baggage, that is a lot of extra “weight” to haul around), getting anxious and thinking that we are socially awkward or off… but what if there is more to it than that?

There are a few ways to tell if something is your energy or not. Here are just a few of many methods.

Trick 1:

Firstly, you can try Access Consciousness’s method of resending it back to sender. Since energy follows thought, all you need to do is think it and it shall will be done! Say “Resend to Senders” 3 times.


This sends all of the energy that is not yours back to the person or energy that is belongs to. If you don’t feel lighter, try Trick 2. If you do feel lighter, then you know it is not yours. If it is yours and you want to stop feeling this way, try Trick 3.

Trick 2:

There may be an energy chord connecting you to other energies.

These other energies could be people you know, an old friend, a place, an animal, you name it. But let’s keep it simple for this one.

Imagine you can see you in the 3rd person. Look at your field (the energy around you, that is you energetically bigger than your body). When you look at (or feel, if that is easier) your field, do you think of anyone or anything, or do you see anyone or anything (even if it is a grey spot or a colored spot, that means something is in your field)?


If the answer is yes, you can try 2 methods to clear them out and to feel ultimately lighter and more clear.

 Method 1:

Visualize and feel them moving out of your field. Like football (or Rugby)  do a dropkick (they are your football) and boot them out of your field. If you have a hard time moving them out, send a light bomb at them to blast them out, or an energy vortex (BE CREATIVE… it’s more fun that way) and suck them up and out of your field.


You are the only person or energy allowed in your field. If you are not, then your energy flow is disrupted, you take on their energy, and you have an opening or leak in your field. No bueno.

Method 2:

See the energy chord between you and that person or energy. This chord is like a hook that goes from you to them or them to you. The chord is a way of feeding energy to or taking energy from another. Either one that it is, it is imbalancing and will not allow you to feel light, balanced, and fully yourself.  So… clear the chord I say! Imagine lighting that chord on fire and burning it back to them, severing the chord that is locking you two in place. Then, do some more football! Kick them out of your field !

Trick 3: 

This method is great to do if the energy coming up (that you are feeling) is yours or if it is not yours. If you are taking on other people’s energy, some of your energy is not focused internally. We want our energy to be focused internally, because then more of us is inside of our body, thereby making us more present, more empowered, and more able to help heal ourselves … and others. Yes, it is true. You do more harm than good for others when you allow them in your field or when you connect into theirs. Both parties become imbalanced every time.

Aura-Outline_spinal-light_earth-soul-chakrasHow? Because the more energy something gets, the more power it gets. Therefore, the more buildup, the more imbalance, and the more resonance for more of the same thing to happen. I call this energetic parasiting. Energy feeding off of or damaging another’s field. Again, no bueno.

How do you focus internally?

Imagine a column of light coming down through your body. Your Central Column we will call it. Energetically sit in the middle of it. Focus at least half of your awareness on staying in and feeling this energy.

The benefits of focusing internally?

  1. More Chi will flow through your body and being, resulting in healing you and vamping up your field.
  2. You will energetically get bigger, so more of the emotions and feelings that are flowing through you will be able to have space to move out of your field with ease and grace. The only reason they are still there is that they haven’t had the space yet to allow them to flow out of your field. The energetically bigger we are, the more we are able to release feelings and emotions without having to even address them. They just move out naturally.
  3. You will raise your frequency. This then will help others raise their frequency as well because higher frequencies can heal other frequencies by raising their vibrations via resonance. Just like when you listen to calm music or go into nature, you naturally become calmer due to that music or nature slowly bringing your frequency up to its frequency by sheer being around it. Wicked cool!  Also, raising your frequency will help you resonate with the higher frequencies that encompass love, peace, ease, grace, hope, etc. Win-win!

Try it out! I promise it works! If you have any extra questions or want help trying it, give me a call or email me. Have a wonderful day!

How to Clear Your House’s Energy

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Have you ever felt like your house’s energy was a little bit  heavy, doesn’t quite have the best flow or just seems … “off”?  

Clearing the energy of a house can be very simple, but it is good to know what you are working with that could be imbalancing it.

Here are just a few possible imbalancing factors:

  • Bar lines/grid lines/electric lines
  • Electric Boxes (these actually send off energy that pulses off and on, which can greatly affect sleep patterns and the overall energy of the house. These can also create health imbalances due to the negative frequencies that they emit)
  • Geothermic Radiation
  • Poor house energy flow
  • Mold/Fungus
  • Heavy energy released from people throughout the day and/or night
  • Entities
  • The House may have some emotional things to work out
  • The land you are on may have some physical/emotional imbalances

This blogpost, I will break down some easy physical fixes for correcting the house imbalances. Next week, more out there, FUN energetic tools (my favorite!) will be shared…

Here goes!

  1.  You have probably heard of Sage (found at your local Natural Foods and Products Store or at a Head Shop). Saging the house can be good. It clears lighter energy from the house, but in my opinion it doesn’t clear out the deeper, stickier energies as well.

    I prefer to do a deeper clean with a Peruvian wood called Palo Santo. It’s an interesting smell, but does the job and brings an earthy feel to the rooms. Dragon’s blood resin or Frankincense resin are also great to burn. Dragon’s blood smells good (in my opinion) and just sounds cool.  Frankincense can also be used in an air diffuser in the form of an essential (a preferred method for me, since I haven’t ever seemed to get burning resin down very well… the charcoal always burns funny for me). I suggest a higher quality of Frankincense either by Young Living or doTerra.

    Tip: Crack the windows. You want the heavier energy to be able to get out of the house, especially if you aren’t doing any extra energy moving help (see next newsletter for tips on this).

  2.  Do you have Tuning Forks? I like ringing the different notes in all corners of the house. The different, clean frequencies help lighten the air, just like music. Very therapeutic and healing for you and the house!

  3. Georesonators are great for helping clear the lines of the house. “These are a great solution for clearing and balancing the earth’s energy in yards, farms, parks and neighborhoods. Because toxic earth radiation can have a negative impact outside as well as inside, GeoResonators offer an important level of protection. They clear geopathic stress zones and, when planted in the four corners of an area, they immediately resonate with each other, infusing the treated area with a healing, life-supporting energy field.”

    You can even use them around plants to help them heal! 

    Go to to learn more.

  4. Feng shui: – which literally translates to “wind and water” — is the ancient Chinese art of placement.  It  is used to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that support health, beckon wealth and invite happiness. I won’t go into this one, since it is pretty heard of nowadays. It is smart to look into the effects of energy movement in the house and where and how different energies interact with one another.
  5. Orgonite!  “Inspired by the research of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, orgonite is a energy healing device made from resin, metal and crystals, which converts negative or stagnant bioelectric energy into positive energy.  Orgonite also complements and improves the effectiveness of crystal healing. People use orgonite to purify the atmosphere, to counter-act the effects of EMF radiation, to help plants grow, and to aid in healing practices. Simply put, orgonite creates a positive, balanced environment through its energy healing properties.”

    I use Orgonite in my practice as well as at my home. There different sizes and subsequent ranges that these lovely pieces work at.

  6. Plants: Yep, they clear energy! Some better than others. Here is a good website for picking out your air and energy purifying plants:

Would you like help assessing what your house needs most? Contact me and we will figure out the best mode of action!

Empathic, Randomly Depressed Or Anxious, Foggy Or Tired?

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This weekend I went through an incredible transformation while in Deborah Mills’s Limbic System Class. I had no idea what was in store for me or how this information and reset could so drastically alter my life. This being said, I would like to share some very relevant and important information about the Limbic System:

The Limbic System is the emotional body of the brain that forms the emotional memories and tone of a person as well as governs our sense of smell. This system is thought to store emotions from all our past lifetimes.

When it is less active:

  • we have a more positive state of mind
  • are easily able to bond with others
  • have balanced sleep
  • have rational thoughts
  • have clear problem solving skills
  • have compassion (versus empathy)
  • have a great sex drive
  • are able to see what is in front of us versus reacting to something we think we see and perceive that is based on the past.
  • have a good sense of smell

When it is more active:

  •  we have mood swings
  •  have PMS
  • have a lack of appetite or too much appetite
  • have irregular sleep patterns
  • are negative
  • have lack of motivation
  • have a low libido
  • have more aggression
  • are more reactive to situations as opposed to responsive to situations
  • have a decreased interest in life
  • have lower dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and neorotransmittions
  • have much higher empathy
  • have a compromised immune system
  • have a poor sense of smell

So when the Limbic System is out of whack, how we see the world is colored by what emotions are being triggered through the imbalance of the Limbic System. So when you wonder why you keep going through trigger patterns over and over again, even the ones you have worked on extensively, chances are your Limbic System is inflamed. As you think about what is going on in the world around us, with almost 50% of our culture on ant-depression/anti-anxiety pills, an ever-increasing amount of illness in all areas of the body, and lack of rational actions in our government and corporate systems, it seems pretty obvious that our culture has a very inflamed Limbic System. 

Fun Fact: An orgasm is considered by some as a mini-seizure of the limbic system!~

So what to do about this imbalance???

Balance this amazing system out! How?

  1. There is a very interesting method called the Wim Hoff Method that is proving to be very effective. In this method, you breathe deep into the Limbic System,  which then empowers the immune system to work correctly (the body isn’t on high alert all of the time and is therefore able to have respond only to actual threats (like viruses and bacteria) to the body).
  2. Soul Focused Healing Limbic System Balance (which is what I just received and learned how to do!) Here is what I received from doing this method:
  • My nervous system dropped (stopped being over-activated)
  • My non-stop thoughts cleared
  •  I felt myself come much more deeply into my body
  • My parasympathetic  nervous system balanced with my sympathetic nervous system (leaving me feeling rested, at ease, clear headed, and able to breath much more deeply)
  • My endocrine system balanced with my frontal lobes  which allows me to feel my emotions rationally and with ease
  • My limbic system balanced with my emotional and mental bodies so that emotions and thoughts weren’t stuck anywhere in my system. It was incredible!!

Personally, I found this information very important because I am very empathic and did not realize that my empathy (which often can be very imbalancing as I go into the world) is often an imbalance of my Limbic System. Considering how many people who are empathic (the ability to feel what another is feeling within yourself), but who are often imbalanced by this ability, this is a great protocol to help calm the nervous and immune systems, thereby calming digestion, a hard time breathing, feeling light-headed, and having a rapid heartbeat!

3. Cutting foods high in sugar, soy, gluten and even dairy. These foods often create inflammation in the body, which then triggers an emotional response in our body. Additionally, when there is inflammation in one area of the body (like digestion), guaranteed this inflammation affects the rest of our bodies as well (everything is truly connected, within and without!). For more information on this, check out or

4.  Exercise! Studies have shown how strongly exercise can decrease inflammation in our bodies.

Morning Routines for an AMAZING DAY!

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Morning Routines are crucial for starting the day “right.” Here are a few that I do to get in my body, feel clear, then roll from a place of gratitude and clarity in my day!

  1. First I bring all of my Being back into my body. I do is roll energy from the top my shoulders internally down a straight channel that travels all the way down into my feet. There are columns of energy (multiple) going from mid-collar bone to closer and closer to the spine. These are oft-times easier to allow to open then your central channel (the channel that goes through your spine and through your nadis). If I can’t open them up from top to bottom, I imagine energy pulling the energy from my base down into my body… kind of like a pulley system is gently but firmly pulling the energy down into through the channel until I see it fully flowing and lit up with light.And then I say: I call all levels, dimensions and times of my Being back into my body. I learned this technique from an amazing healer named Giueseppe Piazza.
  2. I connect with the energy that I desire to feel all day. So I connect with the feeling of support and connection to my friends. I feel them (and see them) with me, smiling huge and happy smiles. Then I connect with all the people I am going to be serving that day and always (a huge network of beings who will be touched throughout my lifetime). I feel all of the transformations we are going to have (and are having, since all time and space is now) and bask in that feeling. This allows me to resonate from a place of openness, gratitude and knowing so that all of this can be manifested much more easily.
  3.  I then go up through my body, starting at my feet, and light everthing up, from the skin all the way down into my bones and everywhere in between, seeing and feeling that light and connection going through every area. Anything that doesn’t feel light, I throw the sun in there, or a light bomb (magical light bomb that dissolves darkness) to clear out the heaviness. When I feel sufficiently lit up like the sun, I move on to the last step of my morning.
  4. I smile to my heart. I lightly touch the center of my heart chakra (parallel to my armpits in the center of my chest) and smile. Then I follow the feeling of lightness and warmth, not focusing on anything but that. This is called the Open Heart Method. It opens up space for any stored emotions in the body to move out.
  5. Then I get out of bed, smile on my face, feeling excited and grateful for everything I have and ready to start my awesome day!

Many of these techniques are from Guieseppe Piazza of Transformative Touch

Is something wrong with me?

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Do you ever wonder why you can’t do something? Do you ever wonder if the reason is because there is something wrong with you? Or that you are not enough? What if there was a different reason?


Many know this, but we are experiencing a time of very high frequency shifts moving through our system, earth and ourselves. This vibration brings old patterns and stories to the surface to be healed. These stories are just that. Stories. They are the past ready to move through and be let go of. To do that though, we must let go of our identification with said stories. Accept them and love them for what they involved (in the past!) and had to go through. Then let them pass right through like a wave. If we resist this wave, however, the story holds true, and we stay fixed and identified with our past beliefs. Beliefs that oft-times do not work for us.


Sometimes in life, many things happen at once, and we wonder, why me? Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with me? But really, whatever is happening just an opportunity to clear out what has been stored inside. It is an opportunity to see the world from a deeper and deeper place of alignment within ourselves, so that the fire may rage, but then catalyze the sprouting of waiting seeds.

The deeper we go inside, the more we can sit in the eye of a storm and still see the blue sky and sun. We can see that what is happening around us isn’t really us, see what is really happening from a greater distance.

The second we identify with the story and the storm, however, we can get sucked into the storm, and thrown somewhere very different than where we were wanting go.


So some advice? Meditate. Find that space daily. Energy is very high right now and the world is becoming a seemingly crazier and crazier place. The more we are rooted within our bodies, the easier it is to stay rooted in the eye of the storm and to become those seeds that are sprouting. And breath. It is all just a story riding through us. Just energy. Relax into it and KNOW that you have this.

We believe what we perceive. We perceive what we believe. BELIEVE you are enough. BELIEVE you have this. 

Believe that you are fully capable, able and have everything you need within and without of you to make it through whatever story as an even more empowered person.


And if you need help, reach out! Everyone is experiencing this right now.NO ONE is exempt from this internal and external chaos that is happening right now. The more we connect and understand that we are not alone, the easier it is to stay in the eye of the storm and to bask in the sun… with friends and support.


Much Love!

Tips for Making the “Right” Decision

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Sometimes it is hard to know what the best course of action really is. Which voice in your head or option in front of you is really the one to listen to or look towards?

The good news is that you already know the answer. Your past beliefs just aren’t wanting you to know the answer because they are trying to keep you safe. All you have to do is move deeper into yourself and connect with that inner knowing that has always known the answer. Easy right?

Here are some tips for helping discern what is really going:

1. Which option has more light?
If you are a visual person, imagine both options in front of you. Which one, in your mind’s eye, looks brighter? Looks clearer? Feels lighter? It’s a good bet that the lighter one is the better option.

2. Write it down and step to it.
Write down your two (or more options) on a piece of paper. If the choices involve steps to take, write each step out on a piece of paper until you have each individual step in a row from first to last. Then place each piece of paper (in order) in front of you in a line from first step to last step or if it is just one a step option, then just place that one step option in front of you. Then take each step that it takes to get to your final destination, your final decision option. Feel what it feels like at each step of that path to be there. Note this. Once you get to the end of one path, go back to where you started from (at the beginning with all of the options in front of you) and take the next path of steps to get to your end decision. Once you are all done, see which path felt more right.  This technique is also great for getting over anxiety or hestitation to move forwards in a path that you know you already want to take as well.

3. Ask your future self for guidance.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself 5 or 10 years in the future. The most ideal, happy, fulfilled you. And then ask him or her what she would do. Listen to that you. Ask him or her questions. Don’t try to answer for him or her, just listen and wait. The answer may come in words, visuals or feelings. If you are having a hard time visualizing, go for a run or do something exhausting to get your mind out of the way so you can actually feel, hear or see the answer.

4. Feel the feeling you want to feel.
Feel the feeling of empowerment. Say that to yourself: I am empowered. I know the right answer for me.
Say these words and feel them sink into your body and don’t stop until you feel and believe them all of the way at the back of your spine. Then from this feeling, ask your question. Bring option a or b in front of you visually, into this feeling of empowerment and knowing, and see how your being responds. There is your answer.

5. Sleep on it.
Sometimes I like to ask a tough question and just pray or ask that when I sleep, I come to the right answer… and that when I wake and ask the question again, the right answer will come to me instantly. So go to sleep with that question, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that the answer will come to you, and then upon waking, without thinking or even being fully awake, ask the question with knowing and emptiness. Then feel the answer come out of nowhere into your being. I love this one since it is so effortless. You already know the answer, you just have to get you out of the way so that you can hear, see or feel it.